Sunday, August 31, 2008
Good For the Soul
Expert say that laughter is good for the soul and causes people to live longer. If that's the case, Rob and I will set records for being the oldest people alive. We have such a great time together, laughing at the little thingsin life. Last night we were laughing about my yoga poses I was practicing. This morning we were laughing about Rob's splurges that deviate from his diet plan. We also get a kick out of Roxy. She is petrified of the wind that blows through the house, but has become quite the hunter. We have had a mouse infestation so we have traps set inside and out. Each morning she goes with us while we check the traps. Rob caught 3 mice in the outside glue traps. When he let the mice go Roxy took over, making sure they would not make it back in the house....or anywhere for that matter. We get such enjoyment out of our little family and our quirks!!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Into the Swing of Things!
It has almost been a full work week and I have survived. I was telling my friend earlier today that it's harder to juggle work and a domestic life than I thought. Now I see why my mom spends her whole day off cleaning and running errands. By the time I leave school, run errands and start dinner it's close to 7pm. Rob is helping out where he can, but with both of us working such long hours I have to be okay with the house not being completely picture perfect.
I enjoy my class this least 99% of them. One should not be at our school and once again I get the benefit of having a student that keeps me on my toes. Someday it would be nice to be able to just teach without having to be a parent, babysitter, counselor, etc. on top of teaching. But, if it was easy I guess everyone would teach. So, I thank the Lord for each day at 3:15 and look forward to coming home to Rob. I am excited about the 3 day weekend, fun plans, house projects and time together.
I enjoy my class this least 99% of them. One should not be at our school and once again I get the benefit of having a student that keeps me on my toes. Someday it would be nice to be able to just teach without having to be a parent, babysitter, counselor, etc. on top of teaching. But, if it was easy I guess everyone would teach. So, I thank the Lord for each day at 3:15 and look forward to coming home to Rob. I am excited about the 3 day weekend, fun plans, house projects and time together.
Monday, August 25, 2008
I survived!
The first day of school has now come and gone and I made it! The first day is always so wearing because I have to be "on" the entire day. But, for the first time ever, I got a good night's sleep last night which helped. My class is chatty, but good. Hopefully the "honeymoon phase" will last all year. One girl told me I was the strictest teacher she'd ever had and I thanked her for the compliment. I have a boy that has already won my heart. His special needs make me stop with him and appreciate the little things in life. He is going to teach me to hug unabashedly this year! My only embarrassing moments occurred with my back-to-school dress. I forgot that it gets really windy at the school so I had a few embarrassing Marilyn Monroe moments. I think students and staff saw more of me than anyone intended...ugh!!! Rob is so good to me. He sent me a beautiful bouquet of variegated roses for the first day. Then I came home exhausted so he helped clean up after dinner and did his own thing while I took a hot bath. Now I'm going to bed......
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Busy bees
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Life is nice right now. Rob and I work out together, which is really nice. We don't do the same workout but it's nice having someone there with me. The weather has cooled off for a few days, which is REALLY nice. We went from sleeping without the covers and all the fans on to sleeping under a down comforter (I even had flannel PJ bottoms on...Dad would be so proud!). It was nice to put on a hoodie and have a big cup of coffee with me this morning when I left the house. A mustang came in the yard tonight after we hadn't seen any for awhile. It was nice to eat dinner then watch the mustang eat his. My parents are coming up this weekend for the first time since April, which will be REALLY nice. I am excited for them to see our home and go to Virginia City.I doubt there will be much more to write about this week, but we have a very busy weekend and school starts next week so stay tuned. I'm sure there will be a lot to write about.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Silly Girl
Roxy has provided many laughs today. It started this morning when she was passing gas and couldn't figure out what was happening. Then she has this toy I call Moo Cow. It moos if you push a button, which Rob has found to be entertaining. He pushes the button and Roxy stands there, staring at the toy and cocking her head from side to side. It's this game they play for quite awhile. Roxy eventually gets "brave" and nudges the toy while it's mooing. We are watching our neighbor's horse for the weekend. Tonight when Rob went to feed her Roxy decided to try to help. She was running around the hay bale and getting into the horse corral. Much to her disappointment Rob told her to leave the corral because we were afraid she would get kicked. After we came back in the house, I was rubbing Rob's feet. For whatever reason, Roxy loved the smell of the lotion I was using. Eventually she just started licking his feet because she apparently liked the taste as well. It was grossing me out to rub his feet and have her lick them so I told her to get away. At that point Rob turned on a hunting show. Roxy laid down, facing the TV, and crossed her front paws. When the elk were bugling Roxy would stare at the TV, cocking her head from side to side. It was like she was really into the show. (I tried to get a picture but getting up distracted her) Now she is chasing flying insects around the living room. That girl I tell ya!
Night Out
Thursday, August 14, 2008
You ever have one of those days where NOTHING goes right? I had one of them today and it just made me feel overwhelmed to the point of tears. In the whole scheme of life none of it was a big deal, but when all of it came together in one day it was more than I wanted to deal with. I ran late getting to school but it was okay because I planned to work late before meeting Rob at the gym. Little did I know that the school was going to close early and Rob was going to work late. Then Bee had told me she was going to move everything out of the classroom yesterday (She just found out she had to move rooms) but not only did she not move anything, but she never came in today. So, I still don't know what is hers and what is mine to use. The room is one big mess, which doesn't help calm my nerves. To top it off, the classroom won't have a/c access until next Tuesday. By the time I left, it was 95 degrees in my room....yuck! Rob and I had our "Date Night" but we were both so hot and tired that we pretty much just ate and left the restaurant. I wanted to have a few minutes to myself to cry and release some frustration, but Rob is still learning that when I cry it could be for no reason. He thought he had done something, but it's just the beginning of the year stress. Luckily this will only go on for another week and then the year will start. From there hopefully we'll be in a routine and life will resume back to normal.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Things That Make You Go HHMMM...
I started back to work today and got to meet a few of the teachers I'll be working with (I also found out that this 6th grade class is supposedly the worst ever....does it ever end??). I met a very interesting co-worker that I will call Bee. She insisted on a meeting even though all of us were unpacking our cars and setting up our rooms. After the 2 HOUR meeting I went to the "Principal's Office" and was out of my classroom for awhile. When I was leaving the office Bee informed me that my phone had rung and she had answered it while I was out of my room. Now it was my fault for leaving my phone out and my room open, but I was suprised at how comfortable she was answering my phone after only meeting me a few hours earlier. On the bright side, at least she left me a message in my room so I knew Rob had been the caller.
After dinner Rob informed me that he wants to work out again. So, we headed down the hill and he signed up at 24 Hour Fitness. He even got some personal training sessions thrown into the package. 20 bucks says he won't be able to move after his first session (from what I hear from other brave souls that sacrifice their bodies to better their workout!). It'll be nice to have a workout partner now! Maybe we'll even do yoga together....yeah right!!!!!
After dinner Rob informed me that he wants to work out again. So, we headed down the hill and he signed up at 24 Hour Fitness. He even got some personal training sessions thrown into the package. 20 bucks says he won't be able to move after his first session (from what I hear from other brave souls that sacrifice their bodies to better their workout!). It'll be nice to have a workout partner now! Maybe we'll even do yoga together....yeah right!!!!!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Workin' Girl!
Tomorrow I officially start back to work. It's been a good summer and I am not ready for it to end yet. I still have a couple more projects that I'd like to have more time for. I'd also like to continue getting up and around each morning when I WANT to, not when my alarm tells me to. It doesn't help that I am nervous about starting fresh at yet another new school. I am glad to know that I am not the only new face on this campus though. That helps relieve a little anxiety. It also helps that there is a Starbucks directly on the way to school, which will motivate me in the morning. Rob told me I could stay at home and we'd make it work financially but I'd rather save now so staying home will be a more feasible option once we have kids. So, as it stands, tomorrow I become a workin' girl again!!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
No Bull!
We had a rodeo kind of weekend. Yesterday we met up with some friends in Truckee to watch the rodeo. Then we spent the night and went to the rodeo again today. After Rob decided to retire from bull riding we began talking about different options that would keep Rob working with bulls without riding in rodeos. Over the years he has made friends with many well known bull riders. One of them, Scott Mendes, a world champion bull rider, recently talked to Rob about running a bull riding school/camp he wants to start in Reno. He's already been successful with it in Texas and wants to begin another one in Reno, where he has family. Another thing Rob and I discussed seriously was getting into stock contracting (contracting the bulls at rodeos). This is something we are really excited about! Rob talked to Scott about this and Scott decided to research bulls for us in his neck of the woods. He called Rob and told him he had found a great bull that was too good to pass up. After discussing it, the men decided on a partnership deal with this bull. About two weeks after Scott purchased the bull, he called Rob to tell him the bull wasn't so great after all and sold him. So, we are now again without a bull, back to Square One. But, it will all work out when it's supposed to! We're excited about our options that lie ahead in our future.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Rob's work schedule has changed a bit so he is now getting up at 3:30 AM to get to Truckee by 5!!!! He is so tired at the end of the day but fights sleep to spend time with me. Last night he took me to see "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants", which I thought was a cute movie. On the way home he asked if we could have a date night every Thursday, whether it be going to dinner or doing something. We were not big fans of our pre-marital counseling but that is one thing we took away from it- have a consistent date night each week. We decided that we would take turns picking things to do each week so I am already excited for next Thursday!!
I am back into the swing of things in VC Highlands, aka home. I went to Sacto yesterday to pick up Roxy. With all the construction going on between here and there, it seems like a much longer drive these days. I was glad I went, though, because I got to hang out with my mom and good friend, Aimee. I am not sure Roxy was glad I came to get her, though. "Grandma" and "Grandpa" spoil her and the wind doesn't cause a wind tunnel through their backyard like it does here in our house. She did have fun exploring this morning though while I put the finishing touches on her kennel. She actually seems to like it so that makes me happy. I won't worry so much about her when I go back to work next week. Speaking of which, I am fast and furiously trying to get the last of my summer projects done before going back to school on Wednesday. You know the kind that keep getting pushed to the bottom of the list? Well that's where I am right now. I guess I better get to them or they won't get done on their own.
I am back into the swing of things in VC Highlands, aka home. I went to Sacto yesterday to pick up Roxy. With all the construction going on between here and there, it seems like a much longer drive these days. I was glad I went, though, because I got to hang out with my mom and good friend, Aimee. I am not sure Roxy was glad I came to get her, though. "Grandma" and "Grandpa" spoil her and the wind doesn't cause a wind tunnel through their backyard like it does here in our house. She did have fun exploring this morning though while I put the finishing touches on her kennel. She actually seems to like it so that makes me happy. I won't worry so much about her when I go back to work next week. Speaking of which, I am fast and furiously trying to get the last of my summer projects done before going back to school on Wednesday. You know the kind that keep getting pushed to the bottom of the list? Well that's where I am right now. I guess I better get to them or they won't get done on their own.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I was driving home this evening and there was the most beautiful rainbow coming up over the mountain behind our house (There had been a storm earlier) and mustangs feeding off to the side of the road. Then, once I got home, I looked out to see the most gorgeous sunset... purples, pinks, oranges. Rob and I went out on the balcony to enjoy it (The camera couldn't capture it's beauty). We talked about how blessed we are to have our house and how much we enjoy its location. These things made me realize that no matter how crazy life can get, there's always something beautiful to stop and admire!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Back home!
We got home last night and enjoyed sleeping in our own bed. We also enjoyed laughing about the memories we created and reminiscing. Rob said the honeymoon would've been boring had everything gone perfect. He was so patient while I read the map to get us places. One time I read the map wrong and we ended up in downtown Phillie at 10pm, in the ghetto. Rob refused to let me sit in the car while he ran into the store because it was that bad. I guess getting lost a few times after driving 1000 miles is to be expected though.
I love people watching so I was entertained by everything I saw. Rob got irritated with the protestors in New York, but refrained from giving them a piece of his mind. One guy was holding a sign in NYC that said, "Free driving lessons". I wanted to get a pictures but didn't. I have never heard so many horns honk as we did in New York. Rob drove through honking just because he could. It was fun to visit NYC and take in all the sights, but if I never make it back there again I will be okay with that. It was a constant rat race with way too much going on.
Pennsylvania was our favorite state (Sorry Dad Herrington, but we weren't in Maryland long enough to decide if it was better!). It reminded me of Crescent City (Cali), Vicksburg (Miss) and Buffalo (Minn) all rolled into one. The humidity was a little overbearing at times but the scenery made up for it. It was so green and lush! Everywhere we drove there was something pretty to look at.
I can tell you one thing I really appreciate on the West Coast and that is that we don't have toll plazas. Between those, taxi fares and parking we spent well over $150in 2 days. I felt like every time we got on a different freeway we were paying tolls. I was told the toll fares were supposed to go to the roads but I didn't see that happening. I asked Rob if I could point out places that needed repairs and specifically request that our toll fares be put to that part of the road when we pay.
The last night of our honeymoon we stayed at a really nice Holiday Inn. We went for a late night swim then stayed up watching TV and talking. We slept in the last morning then had to make a mad dash to Philadelphia to catch our plane. Luckily we had just enough time to squeeze in one more trip to Chick-Fil-A, Rob's favorite place.
We thoroughly enjoyed our time together, creating memories and laughing to the point of tears. It was everything I imagined a honeymoon should be! Please enjoy more of the pictures from it on our wedding website:
Sunday, August 3, 2008
East Coast Livin'...
We are on our last day of our honeymoon and we wish we could extend it. Rob was teasing me earlier about blogging pages about everything but I will give you the Readers Digest Version because we crammed a lot into a few days. The flight here was LONG, much longer than necessary. Then, our final destination was at Shawnee Village in eastern Pennsylvania at a time share our friends, Bonnie and Jason, had let us use. It was absolutely beautiful and peaceful so we hated to leave yesterday. We hated it even more because I found us a dive hotel to go to after the time share! In fact, this morning I told Rob I would not stay there again tonight. I won't go into detail but trust me when I say it was gross!
Other than the time share, it hasn't been that much of a relaxing trip. We have been to 6 states in 2 days!! We went to the Nation's Capitol one day and New York the next. It was fun to say we'd been there and seen historical landmarks but it REALLY made us appreciate home even more. Everyone is honking at others, we kept getting lost, we spent an outrageous amount of cab fares, it was raining then incredibly humid, etc. I told Rob today that I can't wait to be home so I don't have to live by a map. Every time I think I have found us a shortcut it takes double the time to get to our destination.
Today we enjoyed one of Rob's favorite past time, going to a NASCAR race. Unfortunately (for Rob) Dale didn't win but it was still a lot of fun going to a new track and watch the NASCAR fans show their enthusiasm in many different ways. We decided that we really like our new hotel so we are going to sleep in, relax in the morning and drive as little as possible tomorrow before catching our flight home. Once I get home and get settled in, I will post some of the pictures. Until then...
Other than the time share, it hasn't been that much of a relaxing trip. We have been to 6 states in 2 days!! We went to the Nation's Capitol one day and New York the next. It was fun to say we'd been there and seen historical landmarks but it REALLY made us appreciate home even more. Everyone is honking at others, we kept getting lost, we spent an outrageous amount of cab fares, it was raining then incredibly humid, etc. I told Rob today that I can't wait to be home so I don't have to live by a map. Every time I think I have found us a shortcut it takes double the time to get to our destination.
Today we enjoyed one of Rob's favorite past time, going to a NASCAR race. Unfortunately (for Rob) Dale didn't win but it was still a lot of fun going to a new track and watch the NASCAR fans show their enthusiasm in many different ways. We decided that we really like our new hotel so we are going to sleep in, relax in the morning and drive as little as possible tomorrow before catching our flight home. Once I get home and get settled in, I will post some of the pictures. Until then...
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