Some people count down until Christmas. Me? I'm counting down until our son is officially done with middle school. And in case you're wondering. It's 5. Actually it's 5 1/2 days but that 1/2 day is just tests so I'm considering it 5 days left that he has to endure. It's not been easy. In fact, from beginning to end it's been a challenge. He has struggled...academically, socially, mentally, spiritually. Really, all of the above. But, I've always been a firm believer that if someone can endure middle school they can overcome anything. In my opinion, jr high is the frustrating years of life. The ones where you don't know if you're coming or going. The ones where you don't know if you act like the kid that you are or the adult society is trying to make you into.
When he was little I worried about him physically. Would he get hurt riding his little car down a flight of stairs? (Surprisingly, the answer is no.) Would he fall and bust up his knee when learning to walk? Yes, a few times. Would he get a concussion playing sports? Unfortunately, yes. I naively thought that as he got older I would worry less. But, the type of worrying has gradually changed. I went from worrying about his physical well being to his mental well being. Thankfully, we have an open and very close-knit relationship so he talks to me about things that most middle school boys probably don't talk to their parents about. He knows I'll listen. He knows I'll give him advice. But, more than anything he knows I will love him unconditionally. Even when he's moping. Even when he's acting like a typical teenage boy. Even when he's talking a mile a minute or flopping all over the ground. Even when he's giving me the silent treatment. He knows he's loved. He also knows I pray for him continually. I pray WITH him and I pray FOR him. Knowing he's loved, knowing he's prayed for and knowing he's secure at home has been the glue that has held us all together during the past few years.
But, praise Jesus, the end is in sight! We only have a few days left and then I can guarantee you that we're going to celebrate BIG that he is officially done with middle school! The best years of his life are yet to come.....