Sunday, May 31, 2009

Life is Good!

Rarely do we have a weekend where it's so relaxing! Me, being the social butterfly, is always on the go and Rob usually works. But, I took advantage of not having many plans this weekend and just relaxed. Yesterday I took 2 naps and finally rolled out of bed around noon. Then I worked in the nursery, getting things organized. Last night, after the couches got delivered, we went to a work BBQ. Rob was the life of the party, making my co-workers laugh and even playing a impromtu game of kickball. Today I got to relax some more, letting the dogs out to play for awhile, watching NASCAR, taking a nap and enjoying our beautiful home. Rob laid down to take a nap, as did Holly, so I enjoyed the rainstorm, the rainbow that emerged afterwards and the mustangs hanging out in our yard. It was so peaceful and relaxing. Days like today make me realize how blessed we are to be able to enjoy so many wonderful things!

New Couch!

Last weekend we purchased a new couch, as I mentioned in a previous blog. Last night it got delivered! We absolutely love it (Rob likes the recliner loveseat). It'll be easy to clean with the baby and, in my opinion, is oh-so-comfortable! I can finally use my coffee table again so I am happy about that as well. It's fun when the house comes together with each new purchase. Rob's old couch went downstairs, in the game room, and it's nice to have furniture down there as well. Pretty soon the whole house will be good to go!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Alien Invasion

I guess I didn't really pay attention when people told me that Preston's movements would get more intense. I ignorantly thought they'd be the light butterfly kicks until I went into labor. Boy, I was wrong!!! In the past few days, my cute lil baby has turned into a huge alien. My stomach moves in ways I never imagined and sometimes it's REALLY uncomfortable! Last night Rob put his hand on my stomach to try to help calm him down, but that didn't work. Finally he rolled over and said, "Well, I tried." I was left to lie there with the alien invasion going on for quite awhile before I could fall asleep. Some days I worry about bringing Preston into the world. Other days, like yesterday, I am anxious to have my own body back... no alien movements, no running out of breath just trying to get dressed, no hormonal cry-at-the-drop-of-a-hat moments, no more asking others to do things because I can't lift or bend over well. I could go on and on and bottom line is that I've loved pregnancy. I just can't believe it's 40 weeks long! There should be an express cooker feature to get the baby done and out sooner...ha!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Family Update

For those of you that follow the blog religiously, my apologies for not writing in the past week. I've been so busy, too tired and not in a blogging mood. But, I figured I'd give you an update and I'll upload a recent pic later today as well.

Rob and I enjoyed our 3 day weekend together. It was a real treat having him home and not working. We went to dinner, to the movies and to two baseball games. We have a new minor league team in town so on Saturday we went to the game with some friends. We had such a good time that we went to another game on Monday night. I love the stadium and look forward to watching many more games there.

We made a big purchase this weekend as well. We bought a new couch, which I am SOOO excited about!! Miraciously, we agreed on the couch at the second store we went to. Rob wanted something that had cup holders and recliners. I wanted something that was easy to clean and would allow for more walking space in the living room. I didn't know if we'd find a couch that would match both criteria but we did and I can't wait for it to get delivered this weekend!

I am pretty much moved out of my classroom. With the exception of yesterday, I've been working long days recently. Between packing up my room, putting together 6th grade graduation, planning fieldtrips, attending last minute meetings, and doing report cards there just aren't enough hours in the day. Yesterday the a/c went out in my classroom and I told Rob I have a newfound appreciation for the heat he works in ALL day, EVERY day. It was to the point of being unbearable and I was to the point of being very cranky!! Luckily, I am blessed with a good class and they rolled with the punches (Not literally of course!). Part of me is excited for the year to end because it means Preston is that much closer to being born, but part of me is nervous for this next phase and doesn't want to end teaching quite yet. As my kids tell me, though, I will be teaching my favorite student of all time now so how can ya beat that??!

Rob got to enjoy last weekend off, but is back to working long, hot days again with equipment that keeps breaking. After work yesterday he graciously drove a friend a couple hours away to pick up a truck. Rob didn't get home until late and had to get up early this morning for work. I am happy to say that neither of us have plans for tonight so we will get home at a decent hour, bbq steaks and enjoy each other's company. I've been too tired and he's been too busy to do that this week yet.

The last family update is, unfortunately, a sad one. It's still too fresh so I will keep it short as the tears start pouring out the minute I think about it. It looks like Roxy blew out her ACL in her right knee. The vet said she needs knee surgery, which is very expensive and comes with no guarantees. So, at this point, unless a miracle happens, it looks like Roxy won't be with us much longer. Since the tears have started flowing, I will end this here.

I know this has been lengthy but I had to make up for not writing in the past week. There are other things such as planting flowers and yardwork, trying to sell the horses, me running for an elected board position in our housing community, stuff like that. But, that will all have to wait until a different blog. Time to get my day going so I can get to work for yet another early morning meeting. Gotta love it....

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


As I've blogged before, I am officially at the "beached whale" phase of the pregnancy now. But, does that mean everyone has to say something about it? Yesterday Rob protectively told me I look horrible (He thought I was getting sick). I put in a long day yesterday so was waddling pretty bad by the end. A co-worker made a comment about it and said I wouldn't waddle if I hadn't gained so much weight (After wanting to give her a physical response, I wanted to tell her I am within the recommended weight gain). Then, today, one of my kids cracked me up because he informed me he had found a book for me to read. It's called, "If I Were a Penguin" and he said it reminded him of me because I walk like a penguin now. I know everyone means well and I love being pregnant but I am getting a little tired of the comments. I want to respond with, "Really? Did you just say that to me?". It doesn't bother me when Rob says anything because I know he is watching out for me and Preston and I don't mind when my students say something because, frankly, it's funny. I just mind strangers and co-workers giving me their unsolicited opinions. OK, this was more of a vent than a blog about our lives but I feel much better now. Do you??? HA!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I was beginning to think that I'd be the only one enjoying Preston's kicks and movement because he never moves when someone else touches my belly. But, last night his daddy got him moving. Rob sang into my belly button again and then rubbed my belly. Preston wanted nothing to do with either of those things. But, when Rob rested his head on my belly to watch TV Preston started moving, kicking or punching. It got to the point that when Rob would talk to him then he'd move more. It was so much fun for someone else to experience it as well because I get the joy of it every day. I'm glad our lil cowboy and his daddy are bonding. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that when Preston comes into the world the only song he'll be able to sing is the Jack-in-the-box commercial about mini sirloins because that's all Rob sings to him!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

On His Time

I had my doctor appt today that determined whether Preston would come on his time or the doctor's time. After the ultrasound, it was determined that he will come on his time. I thought I was okay with that, but after seeing how big his head has gotten I'm starting to think a c-section is the way to go. Between the size of his head and the fact that Rob will be working in California this summer, I think a c-section would be better. Plus, as Rob likes to constantly remind me, I'm a planner. I set goals at the beginning of the pregnancy and none of them have been accomplished. My last goal is to have this little guy on July 16th, my Nana's birthday. But, if it's the same as everything else, that won't happen either. I'm not being pessimistic, just realistic. The good news is that he is head down and ready, but the doctor said she thinks we'll let him grow a little more (like we have any say in it!). As long as he comes out healthy, I don't care how he enters the world I guess.
On a COMPLETELY different note.....I forgot to add on yesterday's blog that when Rob and I were on the trolley tour this lady randomly asked me if I get heartburn a lot. Talk about random!! Now that's the joke with me and Rob. He keeps asking me if I get heartburn. Maybe one of those "You had to be there" moments, but we got a kick out of it.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Belly Button= Microphone??

I have officially stepped into the "Beached Whale" phase of pregnancy. I don't know if it's the heat or Rob telling me on a daily basis that I am getting huge, but I feel like buying a mu mu and living in it until July, or whenever Preston makes his debut. One of the joys of being pregnant when it's hot is the swollenness. I have a hard time sitting for a period of time so by the time the night comes around I have huge swollen cankles. They feel like someone has a rubber band around them because they are so tight. To alleviate some of the pressure, I came to bed early and propped my feet up. Rob came in the room and was trying to get Preston to move. He started singing to him. Then, he got closer to my belly and began singing louder. A second later he put his mouth on my belly button and started belting out a Chris LeDoux song. I told him that Preston can't hear better or worse if Rob uses my belly button as a microphone but Rob is insistant that that is the only way Preston can "enjoy" his singing. I was laughing so hard by the time he was done with his song! I love that Preston is going to be born into such a loving family, who has such a funny daddy!!!

Fun Weekend

This was such a great weekend from beginning to end! Friday night Rob and I had our date night, which I always enjoy. Then yesterday I went to Sacramento...again! This time it was for my friend's bachlorette party/bridal shower. It was a nice time with friends, relaxing and getting pampered. My brother and sister in law were in town as well so Josh and I stayed up late, chatting and catching up. I got up early this morning to head back home because I feel like Rob and I don't get to see each other much these days. When I got into town he met me down the hill for breakfast. Then this afernoon we headed into Virginia City to look for authentic cowboy themed things for the nursery. We didn't find anything we liked but had an enjoyable afternoon. We took a trolley car tour of the town and learned a couple new things about the history of it. Then we went and listened to a local country band play. They were really good and got Preston really doing a jig! Now we've got shish-kabobs on the grill for dinner. What a perfect warm day and a fabulous weekend!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Absolutely Amazing!

There are a couple things that amaze me this morning. 1) How a good night sleep can make you feel like a brand new person and 2) How generous people can be with someone they have yet to meet! Yesterday was my work baby shower and to be honest I didn't think many people would show because it's my first year there and because I won't be back next year. To my surprise there were quite a few people there and even more presents than I ever expected! Once again I was overwhelmed by people's generosity, especially since Preston hasn't even made his debut yet. We have enough bibs and blankets to last through Preston's childhood, as well as the next baby's childhood. He also got even more clothes and a few toys to start his collection. I told Rob he better hurry and turn the downstairs into his game room or it will soon be filled with Preston's toys. There are clothes, blankets, gift bags and toys all over the nursery. If I ever stay home for a weekend I will start getting it organized and things put away. Once again, I am absolultely amazed by people, their love and their generosity!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Lot on my Mind

People at work, friends and family are constantly asking me how I'm feeling. I always tell them good because physically I feel good (except for the back pain). But, mentally is a different answer these days. If I was being honest, I'd say I am filled with anxiety. I'm nervous about the whole labor and delivery process for many reasons. What if Rob is out of town and I have to call an ambulance to get to the hospital? What kind of pain will I be dealing with? (I really don't want an answer to that one!). Are the things I read about in the books going to happen? What if they find something wrong with Preston when he's born? These questions constantly clutter my mind. Then I go on to....if all goes well with the delivery then what? Can we provide him with everything he NEEDS? Will I be a good mom or screw him up somewhere along the way? What if I drop him or he falls down the stairs? Can you see why I am filled with anxiety? Being a parent is the biggest responsibility known to mankind as far as I'm concerned. Right now, Preston is safe (except for me being clumsy) and I'm bonding with him on familiar territory. I know what makes him kick/move and what calms him down. I know when to expect him to move and what foods or drinks will set him off. I know he's getting plenty of nutrients and has life good right now. So, I am nervous to experience what life will be like once he's left the womb. It's a scary learning process but I'm sure we'll do fine because we have such a loving support network of family and friends. So, now I can go to bed and sleep away my worries and least for tonight!

Spoiled One

I walked into the nursery tonight for something and was overwhelmed. That once big room is now incredibly small because of all of Preston's stuff. He has more clothes than I do. He has enough washclothes and bibs to keep him clean for awhile. He has blankets galore! He is one loved and spoiled baby. I have my last baby shower tomorrow and hope we get more essentials. But, then again, I don't know what essentials are at this point. We have lots of diapers, Butt Paste (I think that's the coolest ever!), bath stuff, bottles, 2 bath tubs, spoons, binkies..... We also have the carseat and matching stroller, the cradle for our room, the exosaucer, the swing, the highchair, the Bjorn. So, what else could this child possibly need?? Rob just shakes his head when he walks in the nursery and says he can't imagine how a baby would need so much stuff. I have to agree but it sure is fun receiving it all!! It just continues to show us how much we are loved and blessed!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I Got Sucker Punched!

Last night I crawled into bed and was getting comfortable when all of a sudden, out of nowhere, our son punched (or kicked) me right in the lower abdomen. It was so hard that it made me jump, the second time this has happened recently. After being startled by his sucker punch, I got comfortable again. Just as I was starting to doze, he did it again but this time it was more in the middle. I asked his daddy to put his hand on my stomach to calm his son down. For some reason, when someone, other than me, puts their hand on my stomach Preston stops moving. So, with Rob's hand on my belly, Preston stopped moving. I thought we were done for the night, but when Rob rolled over and took his hand off me Preston started moving all over again. What a stubborn little guy!! At least he didn't punch or kick me again so eventually I was able to fall asleep...for a few hours anyway!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Being a mom has its perks...even when the little one hasn't entered the world yet! I saw a commercial for Cold Stone this morning to cash in on free ice cream for moms. Wondering if I'd qualify, I went there this afternoon while Rob was at work. Much to surprise, I was able to get a free creation of my choice. Free ice cream for a pregnant woman is like giving her a diamond! It made my day!! I got some Hollywood smut mags on my way home, which I read outside today. Not only did I get some color, but I got to get caught up on Hollywood gossip. I wouldn't put my neighbors through the horror of seeing my pregnant body in a bathing suit so my tan lines are a little off but as least I'm not lilly white anymore. Reading/tanning wore me out so I took a Mother's Day nap and woke up to Rob coming up the stairs with flowers, chocolate and a card "from" Preston. We're going to go out to dinner in awhile to top off a good first Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Wacky Wednesday

Because I really don't want to get ready for work, I thought I'd blog instead. Yesterday was one of those weird days. Maybe it was due to the wind or maybe due to the fact that it was Wednesday. But, either way I'm glad it's over. I was an absolute "bear" with my students and ended up taking a fieldtrip away from one of them. Then a teacher is mad at me for who knows what now?? (This is a common occurrence with her) She would walk into a room and acknowledge everyone, but me. immature! Then I sent progress notes home, which I always hate because I get bombarded by parents. One parent cornered me and laid into me about how her daughter doesn't like coming to school right now because she is not getting straight A's and I get on her for her behavior. It took about 10 minutes to get my point of view across to calm the mom down. To top it all off, as I was leaving school after a lovely day (I mean that sarcastically), I slipped. I didn't go all the way down but thought I had pulled my groin muscle. It hurt SOOOOOO bad!!! I hobbled to my car, then ran errands and met up with Rob. We went to watch his friend try his hand at bull riding out in Fernley. That was the only fun part of the day. His friend didn't last more than a couple seconds but I was impressed that he even tried it. Rob was really good at coaching him! Surprisingly, Rob did not even attempt to get on a bull. He just helped others that were riding. By the time we got home, it was 9pm and I could barely walk due to the pain. I took Tylenol and prayed like crazy that I wouldn't be too sore today. When Rob's alarm went off this morning, I was surprised to find that I could move without much pain. Thank you God!!!! So, I guess I must've just strained the muscle and I'll be back to normal real quick. Good thing cause I have the Komen's walk to do this weekend......

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Trick!

In my opinion, water aerobics is as good as it comes. A bunch of uncoordinated ladies waddling into the pool, most of them well over 65 years old. Then you spend an hour trying to keep up with an instructor that is not in the pool and making everything look a lot easier than it is! Seriously, though, I have come to love water aerobics. I went to the class last night even though I wasn't feeling like exercising. I'm so glad I did because my "elephant ankles" went back to normal (That also could've been due in part to the foot rub Rob gave me the night before) and I slept like a rock last night. It took me no time at all to fall asleep and I only woke up once to see what time it was. I was surprised when Rob's alarm went off this morning because I am usually up several times during the night. It was nice to wake up, feeling rested and not having back pain. So, if y'all are looking for a good exercise program that, in my opinion, is a cure-all, try geriatrics water aerobics. Nothings compares!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Weekend Wrap Up

What a fun, but busy weekend! Friday Rob and I finally were able to have a "Date Night" and worked on the nursery. Then, yesterday, I met up with my mom, aunt and cousin before my baby shower. Since I already blogged about the shower, I'll go to the "Girls' Night". My mom had got us a hotel room at a really nice hotel so, after the shower, we drove up to our house to drop off the gifts, show my aunt and cousin the house and have my cousin ride Doc. It was nice to see Rob for awhile before heading back down the hill, where the girls had dinner at my favorite local Mexican restaurant. We got to the hotel and went straight to the pool/hot tub (I was sad that I couldn't enjoy the hot tub!). This morning we enjoyed the hotel's continental breakfast and then went to church. When I got home, Rob and I tackled the baby gifts. I say "tackled" because Rob stood there for a few minutes and kept repeating, "I don't know where to get started." We spent about an hour, admiring everything and finding homes for it. Since May is such a busy month for me, I'll have to organize the rest of the nursery after the school year is over. It'll probably take me several hours to wash all of his clothes! Like I said, it was a fun but busy weekend!!! I always love spending time with my family and friends and it's always nice to come home to Rob at the end of it all.

Overwhelming Baby Shower!!!

All I have to say is Preston is one loved and spoiled boy...and he isn't even here yet! Yesterday was my baby shower and I was overwhelmed with everyone's generosity. 3 friends and 3 family members drove through snow, from Sacramento, to join the 15 other people here in Reno to celebrate Preston. My friend, Kara, threw the best baby shower and made us feel so special. It took almost 2 hours to open gifts because we had gotten so much. There is very little we need now. People's generosity never ceases to amaze me! In fact, I'm going to go back in the nursery to look at all the loot now because I have more time to go through it. There are over 100 baby shower pics so if you want to see them get on Facebook!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Almost Done

After a few weeks of building, painting and pasting, the nursery is almost complete! Rob and I brought home the dresser last night and pasted the border and pony mural up. I am more of an "eye ball" it kind of person with that kind of stuff and Rob is more of a "measure it out" kind of person. So, needless to say, I am glad he helped or our son's room would look crooked. We are pleased with how it looks so far and can't wait to see the final product (with pictures and things on the wall). Enjoy the pictures of what we have so far!

Friday, May 1, 2009

What a Great Day....and I Just Woke Up!!

You ever wake up and just know it's going to be a good day? Well, that sums it up for me this morning. The best thing is that I got a decent night's sleep last night, which I thought would never happen again. I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to conquer the world! I also used a personal day and took the entire day off to get things done before people start arriving for the baby shower tomorrow. The contractor should be here any minute to relay the carpet that was damaged with our water system leaking a couple months ago. That means I'll be able to put the downstairs guest room back together more disarray! Then, the most exciting part of the day will be when Rob gets home. He promised me that we'd put up the horse border and pony mural in the nursery. After that we are going out to dinner, a first for us in a couple weeks. Then we'll pick up the assembled dresser for the nursery (YAY for not having to put it together!!) on the way home. With all the things we'll be doing in the nursery today, it will be 95% complete! The last thing that we'll do in the next month or so is get pictures to hang up in there, along with his "rope name". So, be looking for pictures soon as I am so excited that the nursery is almost done!!! I hope your day is as good as I'm anticipating mine to be!