Friday, November 6, 2009

"Me" Time

It's not often that both boys are asleep by 8:30pm and I have the house to myself. On the rare occasion it does happen I like to use the quiet time to read, write or just veg. On VERY rare occasion I use the time to clean what I didn't have a chance to do earlier in the day, but that only happens in "emergency" cases. I have to be "on" every minute of the day, meeting Preston's needs and getting things done around the house so I don't often have "me time". Even when Preston is napping I clean, return phone calls about bills, wash dishes, etc.... (Ok, I lay down with him during his late afternoon nap but by that time I'm exhausted!) So, having a quiet house so early in the night has been a treat.
Tonight Rob was in bed around 7:30 (He climbed 8 poles today and then went to the gym on his way home!!) and Preston was alseep by 8:15. So, I took my People magazine that came in the mail today (Thanks Mom and Dad Herrington!),made a huge mug of hot chocolate and soaked in the tub until I turned into a prune. I read the magazine cover to cover, not worrying about getting out so I could get to bed. Now that Preston sleeps through the night most nights I don't have to go to bed when the sun goes down. Now I'm playing on the computer and contemplating whether to put in a chick flick. On second thought, it feels a lot later than 9:40 so maybe I'll just call it a night. Afterall I've already had some "me time" and I can only handle so much of it!! =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was in bed by 8:15!!! Must be the time change. It's still hard to adjust to! Mom