Thursday, May 20, 2010


I woke up tired yesterday, not sleeping much the past couple nights. I dreaded the day because, usually when I'm tired, Preston is fussy and I have little patience, leading to a bad day. But, yesterday was a fun filled day, productive and memorable. Preston and I took a little road trip to Fallon, a small town about an hour away. I went there specifically for one store, one of my favorites! It's a feed and supply store that has a little bit of everything. I went with the intent of buying decorations for Preston's bathroom. I came away happy with my purchase...and even happier when I put it all together once we got home.

Last night was memorable because my friend and I went for a run out behind the local firehouse. There's acres of open land, where we came across about 100 mustangs and their foals. The horses were about 5-10 feet away from us and they just watched as we ran by. A few of the foals were young enough that they struggled on their wobbly legs. There were horses further up the mountainside, playing and grazing. Between the good run (first time we've ran up here without stopping to catch our breath), the mustangs and the overall scenery it's a picture I will have etched in my mind for a long time.

After I got home I was overwhelmed with how tired I really was. I decided to make an easy dinner and not please everyone by making a few different things. So, spaghetti it was. We stripped Preston down to a diaper and let him have it. He had spaghetti EVERYWHERE...and loved every bite! It wasn't bath night but he desperately needed one after dinner so Rob gave him one while I figured out Skype.

If you haven't tried it, you should look into Skype. It's a lot of fun...and I even met a new person on it. In trying to figure out how to call Mom and Dad Herrington I accidentally called a different Wanda Herrington in the US. The poor lady must've been waiting for my call because she was sitting close to the camera, decked out in lots of make-up and big dangling earrings. After apologizing for bothering her, I got in touch with the Herringtons. It was a lot of fun seeing them while we talked. I'm sure they got seasick watching Preston because Rob and I were following him around with the laptop but we thoroughly enjoyed our conversation. They were amazed at how much he's changed since the last time they've seen him.

I'd love to say I ended the night going to bed early and waking up feeling rested this morning. But, that's not the case. I enjoyed hanging out with Rob after Preston went to bed and know that one day I'll get caught up on sleep. Until then I will bask in the memories of yesterday, a fun filled Wednesday.

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