Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Scream

This is what I envisioned for a couple hours last night. It all started when Preston and I got home last night after having dinner at a friends' house. He was tired so he drank his bottle and went right to bed. Shortly after he fell asleep my friend called, asking if we were still meeting for a walk this morning. The phone woke Preston up and it was all over after that. He SCREAMED for 2 hours! I rocked him, sang to him, told him stories, held him and finally put him in bed with me...all to no avail. At 11pm I was exhausted and now had a migraine so I put Preston in his crib and prayed he'd fall asleep. Thankfully he did only a few moments later. I was hoping that he'd sleep in since he went to bed 3 hours past his normal bedtime but no such luck. He was wide-eyed and bushy tailed at 6:30. Fortunately he hasn't been too fussy all things considered but it's still early. We may have more of The Scream by the end of the day!

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