I don't know what the deal is but for some reason P and I can't visit Rob without something crazy going on. This weekend was one crazy thing after another. We got there Friday and everything was fine. In fact, Saturday was fine as well....until dinner time. We decided to try a different basque restaurant in another town. I ordered pasta and Rob got the prime rib. Upon leaving we decided to take a little drive to see a different part of the state. About 15 minutes into the drive I asked Rob to pull over because I wasn't feeling well. I got out but nothing came up so we proceeded on our way. Although I still wasn't feeling well, I was coping. That is until we got back to the trailer. For the next several hours I was sicker than a dog. I couldn't even keep water in my system! Sunday morning I woke up feeling weak, but better. Unfortunately, I was kind enough to share whatever I had with Rob. He was super sick yesterday!
After he got off work (yes, he worked even though he was throwing up) we drove an hour or so away to get our new puppy. She is a yellow lab that was abandoned at the base of the Ruby Mountains. The vet that checked her over guessed her to be about a year. She is sweet, beautiful and gets along with P so we're very happy to add Ruby as a new addition to the Herrington household. (Holly's still out on this one as she has not warmed up to her quite yet) After we got back to the trailer Rob was still not feeling well so we all called it an early night. Lucky for me we did because I woke up with the worst migraine at 1am. I took migraine medicine at 3am but it didn't subside enough for me to go back to sleep until 4am. Even then I didn't really sleep much.
This morning I wanted to get an early start because I wanted to get home to clean, do laundry and get the dogs acquainted. Everything was going as planned....until my last load from the tailer to the car. I had left a few essentials in the trailer, such as my purse, the trailer keys and of course Preston. As I pulled the trailer door, it didn't give as usual. It was locked! I could hear Preston inside so I was trying to get him to unlock the door (something he knows how to do quite well when we don't want him to). I kept calling, "Preston!" and I'd hear his high pitched reply, "Yes?". I tried Peek-a-boo but he'd just look out the window and get all excited when he saw me. The first few minutes of the little game was fun but after a half hour or so I was getting frantic. I couldn't get any of the windows open and P was not helping with the door. So, I pulled my Yukon up to the trailer and used to climb up to the window P was at. He just smiled as I pulled on the window. I couldn't get it open quite far enough so I scrounged around for something to aid me. I found a hammer and used the end of it to wedge the window open just enough to reach the dial. I was able to squeeze my hand in and turn it until I got the window open. Unfortunately, I had to tear the screen to get in but it was worth it. P thought it was a fun game and even squealed and clapped when I landed face first on the bed after my last big shove through the small opening. All in all, it was a crazy yet memorable weekend. One, where although I questioned it at moments, ended on a good note.
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