I haven't been to SF for a few years and I can honestly say I've never experienced as much in SF as I did this trip. Here's my big plug.....GO TO THE SF ZOO if you have the chance!!! It is the best zoo I've ever been to and we could've stayed there all day, still not seeing everything.
OK, I digressed so let me get back on track. We got to the City Sunday evening and walked around Pier 39. I wanted Wanda to get the full SF experience but, between you and me, I was a nervous wreck. My wonderful 2 year old isn't a fan of his stroller anymore, but is definitely not a fan of staying close either. He was running all around and I had a fear of him getting snatched up or slipping through the slats and into the Bay. Laugh if you want but those fears kept me from truly enjoying our sightseeing...only on Sunday.
Monday we crammed almost every SF experience that I know of into the day. We started the day at the Golden Gate Bridge, where I got some pics I'm proud of.
From there we spent several hours at the zoo. P was exhausted from all the fun so he slept while Wanda and I went down the "Crookedest Street" and drove around Nob Hill. Once P woke up we rode the cable cars. Since neither Wanda nor I know the cable car system we ended up waiting more than riding and walking more than everything else. But it was a lot of fun when we did ride the cars, especially on the way back, because I got to stand on the outside just like in the Rice-a-Roni commercials.
After all our walking we ended the day with a healthy dinner...a hot fudge sundae from Ghiradelli Square. Come on, we had worked hard for it and how can one visit SF without going there?
Tuesday we decided to end our trip with a visit to the Aquarium by the Bay. P was not overly impressed because he didn't like the dark fish tunnels. On more than one occasion he said, "Fish dark. I scared. Go home" and would take off running. At an older age I have no doubt he'll love the place though.
After the aquarium we enjoyed a DELICIOUS bowl of clam chowder, watched as P rode the carousal and visited the sea lions on a much less congested Pier 39. By the time we got in the car to head back we were happily exhausted. We had ate well, stayed at a nice hotel, shared many great memories and had seen what the City has to offer. I'm so glad that Wanda made the suggestion to go there because it was awesome!!
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