What an oxy-moron, but it's how I'm feeling right now. Today, after only being on the market for 2 weeks, we received an offer on our house. I personally thought it would take longer than that just to get an offer. I'm sure it'll take awhile to jump through the hoops or the buyers may back out so I'm not holding my breath but as of now it looks like we'll be moving sooner rather than later.
The weird thing is that I'm filled with a calm anxiety. I have spent months praying during sleepless nights about selling our house and moving. I've felt nothing but calm about it since we made the decision to do so. The anxiety is from thinking about the magnitude of packing the house, moving everything and then unpacking it all. It's been done before and it'll be done again but it's always something that makes me anxious until it's behind me.
I am excited about moving. Don't get me wrong. There are things I love about our house such as the views from every room, the neighbors, how quiet and dark it is at night, how safe I feel here, the wilderness that surrounds us, the photography opportunities on a daily basis. But there are things I'm excited to be done with such as the water system, the wind, the inconvenience of where we live, all the rocks and dirt. I'm excited that P can finally learn how to ride a trike, how he'll have a real backyard to play in, how going to the park won't take forever, how we'll be close to places and friends, how I'll be able to for a quick run much easier than I can now.
All in all, it's a good thing. It'll just be a better thing once the packing, moving and unpacking is behind us. I like change but I don't like to be unsettled....hence the calm anxiety.