Thursday, January 19, 2012


well, we are down to 3 choices for president. mitt romney the mormon, newt gingrich the scumbag, and ron paul. i believe ron paul is the best of the 3 due to his business sense, but i do not think he has a snowball's chance in hell of winning. the attitude " anything is better than what we have" may be true, it sucks that is the way it is. i love my country but i really dislike our government. i believe it was thomas jefferson who said a country is governed best that is governed least. i couldnt agree more. i wish we had a man/woman who would stand up there and say they want to get us out of debt, they want to restore faith in the country, and that they believe in the principals set by the forefathers. we are in a heck of a mess here and i just dont see it getting any better anytime soon. they are trying to take away our 2nd amendment, take God out of everything, and turn our government into a political mess. while my wife and i do not always agree on politics, i think we both agree somethings got to change. im pretty much an idiot when it comes to finances and the way things are done in washington, but i believe i could do a better job than what who we have in office now. i do know that you dont get out of debt by borrowing money. you dont spend money you dont have, and you certainly dont make it harder for people to live. stop importing things, that will cause us to spend more money here and will create jobs, stop sending money all over the world when we need to be spending it here, and stop trying to micro manage the people. although we owe people, there are several countries that owe us trillions of dollars. i wouldnt give another nickle till i got all of it back. i dont know, maybe im wrong about all of this but i do know that they arent right about any of this. just my 2 cents

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