Monday, October 14, 2013

Birthday Princess

This won't be a long blog because I've already been at the computer for a few hours today, booking plane tix and doing a lot of work for my photography business (I had 2 shoots this past week so look for new pics in the next few days). But I wanted to fill you in on my birthday weekend. Rob and I decided a few years back to honor each other's requests for birthdays. I like mine to last for a week while he doesn't like his acknowledged. For me, a thoughtful act of kindness means more to me than all the rose bouquets and jewelry in the world! So when everyone in my life did their best to make my birthday last as long as possible it meant a lot to me. My mom sent me a text every day of my birthday week, wishing me a happy early birthday. The day before my actual birthday Rob started wishing me a happy birthday. The morning of my birthday P came running in with a birthday card and insisted that he had drawn a picture of a princess because he said I was going to be a Birthday Princess all day. He and Rob did so much to make me feel like one too. P wished me Happy Birthday almost every hour and was on his best behavior. He wanted to go to the woods to pick me some flowers (my favorite kind to get but I was afraid he'd leave with more than just flowers!). Rob baked me a cake when he got home from work and then took us out to dinner at the place of my choice. Saturday we went to the fair (our 3rd one in 2 weeks!!) and then I got a much needed nap. I didn't have to cook or really lift a finger from the time Rob got home Friday afternoon until Sunday morning. It was heaven! All that on top of TONS of FB messages, a few cards (that contained treats!), several texts and some phone calls. It was a much better weekend that I had anticipated and I did indeed feel like a Birthday Princess!

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