Monday, December 30, 2013

Happy Birthday Lil Man!

A year ago today we woke up to the worst snowstorm of the season. I told Rob that I didn't want to go to church because I had had so many contractions the day before and the weather was nasty. We decided to hunker down for the day, enjoying the snowfall, football playoffs and our small family of 3. Little did we know that later in the day, when the Packers' big game was starting, I would go into labor for real. We got to hospital and I called my friends that were supposed to keep P for the night when I went into labor. Since I was 3 weeks away from my actual due date they were busy and/or out of town. So we called our friends that lived an hour from the hospital and asked them to make the treacherous drive to get P so Easton could make his big debut. Once P was picked up, Easton came into the world a few minutes later. And the rest, they say, is history!
Ironically Easton was named after my beloved Papa and he looks like my side of the family. He also loves music, a passion of my late Papa's. Easton dances every time he hears music and uses anything he can to drum. He also has quite the stubborn streak that my side of the family doesn't take any credit for (cough, cough!). He has brought us so much joy- and a little frustration- this past year. Every day I am thankful for my 2 happy, healthy boys that continue to bless so many lives on a daily basis! Today I'm especially thankful for that snowy day one year ago today when we welcomed our bundle of joy into the world, making our family complete. Happy 1st Birthday Easton William!

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