Monday, May 30, 2016

Life Lessons

We could write a laundry list about all that we do wrong as parents. But one thing in which I think we do well as parents is teaching our boys about the reality of life. Our boys live a good life, full of lots of love, all their needs met and almost all of their wants taken care of as well. But they need to learn that not every child has that luxury, their life. So we teach them about homeless children. We teach them that not every child lives with both of their parents. And on patriotic holidays we teach them about the reality of war, that not all kids have parents because of it.
Today we went to the state capitol to look at the 11,000 flags on display, representing all the LA soldiers who died serving their country. We explained that on Memorial Day we remember the soldiers who died at war. P asked questions which led to a father/son discussion and  then he and Rob had time in prayer for the soldiers' families. It was a special time as a family, one I don't take for granted.
I'm thankful for those who gave all for our freedom. Happy Memorial Day!

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