Thursday, November 21, 2019

Day 20and 21: My Husband and A Week Off

Day 20: It goes without saying that I am thankful for my husband. In fact, I know I blogged earlier this month about how he helps out. But today I am thankful for how he parents our boys. When they were younger, Rob and I fought a lot about how to parent them. We would both raise our voices at the boys or at each other. As they've grown up, however, Rob's approach to parenting has changed and I am learning more from him than he is from me. (Who's the one with the Child Development degree??? HA!) Last night, while the boys played their football games we sat on the sidelines and talked. I loved just sitting there, cheering on our boys, and being able to talk about things. He said something that I've thought about a lot today. We were talking about getting the boys to do things and he said, "Sometimes you've got to make them think it's their idea." Brilliant. I don't do that. I tell them to do something and expect it to be done. That doesn't always get the results I strive for.
Later, on the way home from football, I grounded E for being disrespectful. When the boys were getting ready for bed, I told Rob what had happened (He had driven seperately.). He gave me a different perspective to think about. I did and it resulted in an open, honest conversation between me and E.
I don't always agree with Rob's way of parenting. But, that's what happens when you have two different people growing up in two different homes by two different sets of parents who have two different sets of values who then become parents themselves. As the boys get older I realize there's definitely different ways of dealing with their behavior and choices. Yelling and grounding them isn't always an effective way to discipline. I am thankful for a husband who has made me realize that and who gives me parenting advice when needed.

Day 21: A Week Off
I don't need a week off. I love my job and don't feel like I need a break. But I am so glad we have one coming up. Mainly because I think the boys need it. E has been under the weather off and on the past couple weeks. P is struggling with school and his brain probably needs a break from math for a few days. And I just want to do some fun things with the boys. Because we aren't going anywhere and don't have company coming to us, we planned to do some fun things that we don't normally do. We are going to go see "Frozen 2" (I was surprised P wanted to see that!). P is going to have a friend spend the night one night then we'll go to the big zoo in New Orleans with his friend. We are going to go to the new jump park that opened by our house that the boys have been dying to try out. And then the boys get to go Black Friday shopping with me that neither one is really looking forward to. (Truth be told, I'm not either but I can't leave them at home for hours while Rob is at work.) I am looking forward to sleeping in, drinking a hot cup of coffee and going at our own pace next week. I am thankful that we'll have a week to relax and do a lot of fun things together!

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