Tuesday, December 18, 2018


One of my (many) flaws is that I'm a perfectionist. I don't like failing and I am especially hard on myself when I do. Maybe that's why I haven't written New Years resolutions very often. Or maybe ever? This year I did. I wrote out 4 very attainable goals that I had one year to accomplish. 365 days to succeed in accomplishing 4 simple goals. I have 13 days left in 2018 and I will not accomplish ANY of the goals. At one point during the year, I was close to achieving all of them. Now I just see the list taped to my mirror as an epic fail.
Maybe, at the end of the year, I will cross out 2018 and put 2019 and start all over again. Come hell or high water, I will accomplish my 4 simple goals at some point in my life and at some point, they will become that year's resolutions. HA!

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