Sunday, August 18, 2019

Yesterday Girl

I have two major character flaws (OK, I have more than two but I'll just focus on two today and save the rest for later.): I am impatient and I take what people say as the gospel truth. When I say I'm impatient, I mean you could look up "Yesterday Girl" in the urban dictionary and see my picture. That doesn't always work well for me and God. I usually tell Him what I want and when I want it. If He doesn't answer in my time frame or the way I want, I resort to toddler behavior and beg. Why am I sharing this with you? To give you a little background on my Summer. Let's backtrack some....
This past Spring, for many reasons, I gave my resignation at the private school where I had been teaching for 3 years. One of the main reasons is that I really wanted to teach at the boys' school. I wanted to get back to elementary ed and wanted to be on the same schedule as them. When I gave my resignation I felt peace, knowing I was making the right decision. Within days of resigning, I took my resume to the boys' school and talked to the principal about getting a job at the boys' school. I did not apply anywhere else because that's the only school where I wanted to work. I was proud of myself in the fact that, for four months, I did not say another word to the principal about a job. She had told me that she would know mid Summer if she had anything available so I PATIENTLY (or so it looked from the outside) waited. By the beginning of July I was starting to get antsy. I knew we'd be in Cali for most of the month and that Rob had his kidney surgery the day after we got back (Please continue to pray for him as his recovery has not been as smooth as he had hoped. He's still in a lot of pain.). So I took matters into my own hands believing "The squeaky wheel gets the oil" saying. I stopped by the school and was told the principal would call me back later that afternoon. When I did not hear back from her I called several more times before we left. Then I emailed her a couple times. I began doubting that I had the right email address for her, even though I had obtained it from the district website. I started to worry. I became impatient. And then I got an email from her, asking if I'd be interested in a classified position. Now let me stop to specify something. When I prayed for a job at the boys' school I was not specific in praying for a teaching position. And, to be extra clear, when I talked to the principal I told her I'd take anything she had available. So when I got the email, I was ecstatic about the job offer but knew it meant not having my own classroom. I took it, happy for an "in" into the district and especially that school.
Last week was my first week. On the second day, I was talking to the principal and she said she got me into the school because she knew she'd probably have a teaching position open up before too long and she wanted me ready for it. Now I took what she said at face value. But then I translated it into what I wanted to hear: I'd be in my own classroom before the students showed up. That has not happened. This past Friday, when I got home from work, I told Rob that I am making a fool of myself by dropping comments whenever I can about wanting my own classroom. The administrators already know that and I am once again resorting to childish behavior. I know how much it irritates me when our oldest does this and I love him to death. I can't imagine how my administrators are feeling with me making comments and they barely know me. Actually, I have a pretty good idea how they are feeling and it makes me cringe.
All of that soul bearing confession to say this morning I woke up with a peace of mind. God answered my prayer. My current job has made it a lot easier to be with Rob immediately after his surgery to help him. It is more pay than I was earning at the private school but with less responsibility. I work with 2 other ladies that I have already learned a lot from (One was Teacher of the Year a couple years ago). So I know that I am where I am supposed to be at this moment. I may get my own class soon or I may stay where I am for the rest of the year. And you know what? I am ok with it either way. I will bloom where I am planted and be so incredibly thankful for the job I have been blessed with. Because this "Yesterday Girl" is exactly where she is supposed to be!

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