Monday, July 6, 2009

The Great Mix-Up

Once upon a time in a land far, far away a beautiful baby was created. On the day he was born everyone stood around oohing and aahing over him. He won the hearts of many the day he came into the world. But, he had a secret that only he knew about. The secret? Sometime before coming into the world he was never told about day and night. In his mind there was no difference. He knew that everyone thought he was the greatest gift so he could eat and sleep when he wanted. The first night into the world he was exhausted from his journey so he slept a lot. He only woke up when he was hungry, fooling his mommy into thinking that he knew the difference between day and night. But, the next night his secret was made known to the world. He had had a lot of tests and things done during the day so he had slept all day. But, that night he decided to stay awake to see what the night world was like. He kinda liked this night world and decided he would try it out the next night as well. His mommy was not happy to find out about this secret because she likes her sleep too much. The secret greatly affected his mommy but he was able to keep this secret from his daddy because his daddy didn't wake up through the 4 hours of crying....both by the mommy and the baby. So, now that the secret is revealed time will tell how this story line goes. Stay tuned......

***** All characters are fictional because this wouldn't really happen in the real world, would it????********

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