Thursday, July 22, 2010


This week has been a bittersweet one for me. One for the most part I'd like to be over. It started with Preston and me getting sick. Then we had some fun thrown in there with friends. Then today I started teaching for the first time since before Preston was born. It was a fun but L-O-N-G day in the classroom. My kiddos are fun, may be a little challenging in the future, but it will make for a good year! It was sort of surreal being back in the classroom. At first I felt like a sub, which is how they tried to treat me. But then I got into the groove and the day flew by.
After school was when the bitter part hit me. I already wanted to get to Preston because he had another hard time when I dropped him off this morning. But then I found out that Mrs. Jetton, my parents' best friend and a 2nd mom to me, lost her long battle against cancer early this morning. We knew it was coming so it wasn't a surprise but it still ripped my heart out. She was such a strong, yet very loving, person. Her contagious sense of humor was loved by all. Her passion for children and the Lord was evident in everything she did in life. She was very family oriented and is sadly leaving behind a 13 year son that she and Pastor adopted from Russia when he was a toddler. I'll miss getting on FB and seeing her comments, having her tell me she loves me and is proud of me. I'll miss the stories my parents share about their visits together. I'll miss her stubborness, strong will and the strength she showed even til the end. Most of all I'll miss her hugs and contagious belly laughs.
Because today has been so busy, I have yet to mourn the loss of this great lady. But with this busy day comes the realization that I'm not as strong as I'd like to think I am. I'd give just about anything for Rob to be here right now, to have him put his arms around me so I can just cry. Speaking of which, the tears have now started flowing freely so I'm going to sign off so I can mourn the loss of one of the greatest women I've ever had the privilege of knowing! I love and miss you Mrs. Jetton.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said. I miss her more than words can say. Mom