Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Morning in a Nutshell

I woke up exhausted! Not because it was a bad night of sleep but because I was so busy in my sleep. I inadvertently switched pillows when I was changing the sheets yesterday so I got stuck with Rob's, which is what I believe led to my weird dreams. The basic gist of the dream was that Dale Earnhardt Jr was trying to figure out who he wanted to give a rose to (like "The Bachelor") so I had to drive his car in the race. There was a lot more to it but that's another blog for another time.
All that being said, this morning started out rough. I don't know if it was because I was tired or because I caught a glimpse of what I used to be like (according to my parents) in my son....a strong willed child. P was insistent on wearing the same shirt he wore yesterday even though it was dirty. I refused to let him wear it and he threw a fit. Then he was doing things he knew he wasn't allowed to, all the while looking at me as if to say, "What are you going to do about it?" So I dreaded the fact that today we were going to preview a gymnastics class.
He started out at the gym the same way he was at home.....getting into EVERYTHING (including the drinking fountain where he splashed water everywhere!). But once the coach came out he did a great job. He's the 2nd to youngest in the class but listened and followed directions better than I thought he'd do. The coach is an older, patient woman who leads a very structured class. So I was pleasantly surprised that P waited his turn- for the most part- and followed directions- for the most part. He enjoyed jumping on the trampoline, swinging from the rings and climbing the rock wall. But I think his favorite was when he ran down this long lane and jumped into the foam pit! At the end the coach said she could see him doing well in the class because he caught on so quick. A friend that was there with her daughter (who had a very hard time with the structure) was signing P's praises about how well he did and how smart he is. That made me a proud mama!
When we left I was craving Chinese food (a rarity) so I went up the street to get some Panda Express. On the way back home I zoned and completely missed our exit, despite all the signs for it. (Don't ask me if these 2 things mean I'm pregnant because I do not know). By the time I took the next exit and got around the construction, I had the start of a migraine and was playing "Beat the Clock" to get P home for his nap. Luckily we made it home before he fell asleep so now I have some time to run on the treadmill, do schoolwork and relax myself. Hopefully this afternoon will be a little more relaxing!

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