Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Rainy Day Naptime

I look forward to P's naptime every day, whether it's so I can get work done, read or take a nap myself. Today I was really looking forward to taking a much needed nap myself.
Just when I put P down it started to rain and I thought, "Perfect! I love to fall asleep to the rain falling!" It didn't turn out to be so perfect after all. The rain scared P (probably because it's a rarity in these parts) so he crawled into bed with me. Snug as 2 bugs in a rug, we had just started to doze off when a clap of thunder scared us and Ruby, who was lying by the bed. Once my heart slowed down I started to drift off...until a fly swarmed my head (what is it with me and bugs when I'm trying to sleep?). Then Ruby had a scratch that she attacked with full vengeance, all the while rattling her collar. I took that off, determined to get some sleep.
But, alas, 2 telemarketers called, dashing my hopes of a nap. So I decided to make lemonade out of lemons by taking some pics and enjoying a cup of java. Here are a few pics from today's storm (and one from last night's storm...I think this has been the wettest year in NV history!)

1 comment:

Kimberly June said...

As sad as I am to see summer end, I'm looking forward to the first rain. These pics make that longing even stronger!