Sunday, October 20, 2013

Different yet Similar

I know I've blogged about the similarities and differences between the boys but the older Easton gets the more I notice. When they were born, one came into the world in the heat of Summer while the other made his debut in the dead of Winter (during the worst snow storm of the season). Both boys, however, were born around "fireworks holidays" and weighed in the 6lb range. It seemed to me like P was a newborn forever where as I don't really remember E being a newborn long. However, looking back at P's baby book I realized that wasn't the case. P sat up, ate solid foods and tried to walk sooner than E. He also said "Mama" at around 6mos whereas E has yet to say that word or any word for that matter. When P was a newborn he was scrawny skinny but started gaining weight around 6 mos. E, on the other hand, started out as my chunky monkey but has thinned out considerably since starting to crawl and attempt to walk. P loved (and still does) all kinds of fruits, but E prefers veggies. Both boys are Personality Plus while still being Mama's Boys. (Both boys cried when left with someone else.) P used to bug out his eyes that got everyone laughing. E likes to scrunch up his nose and snort, making everyone laugh as well. P was sleeping through the night at around 3 1/2 mos, yet E still has yet to sleep through the night (making me a zombie). E sweats easily whereas P is always cold and dresses like it's Winter even in the middle of Summer. P has darker, straight hair and E has blond curls. Both boys have loved their baths since they were little, although E didn't really enjoy it the first few times.
No matter how similar or different they are, one thing is for sure. Those boys adore each other. When E wakes up in the morning P is quick to tell him "Good morning" and give him a hug. He asks if E can come in his room to "play" when I take a shower. E idolizes P and wants to be wherever he is. When P walks into the room, E's face lights up. We love our boys more than life itself and I'm so thankful that they feel the same towards each other as well.

1 comment:

Mom said...

How cute is that?! And they both have their Point Loma shirts on! They are truly each other's best friend!!! Love and miss them. Mom and Dad