Wednesday, August 12, 2015

I Am.

Last night, Rob and I were talking about what encompasses us and how it's easy for people to conform to the people they're around. So, while I was scrubbing baseboards and walls this morning it gave me time to reflect on who I am.
First and foremost, I am a child of God....a daughter He created in His likeness. Then I am a wife, a mom, a daughter, a sister and a friend. Unfortunately, sometimes I mix up the priorities of each of those roles but I still know that that is who I am.
But I also wear many other hats so to speak. And some day when I die, I don't want people to just say "She was a hard worker." or "She was an honest person." or "She was kind." In fact, I would take that as an insult. I want people to know that there is so much to me that those comments are just a given because they encompass so much more.
I am..... a photographer. A teacher. A crafter. A spot n stalk hunter (not to be mistaken for a tree stand hunter). A runner. A girl who loves ball caps and jeans but can feel just as good in heels and make up. A sports participant but not an athlete. A cuddler. A sappy romantic. A cook, but not a chef. A blogger. A hiker. A person who tries to be PC but is not afraid to tell it like it is. A small business owner. A reader. A busy bee who is trying to learn how to take time for the small things in life. A camper. A nature lover (but not a reptile lover). A communicator.
There is so much more to me than a small blog list. There is depth. There are flaws. There are strengths and weaknesses. Because I am who I am...a person with many interests and responsibilities. I want my life to be looked at as more than just a wife and a mom because sometimes I think it's easy for SAHMs to view themselves that way~only having 2 roles in life. But there is so much more to me and I hope others see that because...I am.

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