Sunday, February 14, 2016

Feeling the Love

Although Rob and I have never celebrated Valentine's Day since we both see it just as a Hallmark holiday, I wouldn't deny the boys the celebration. Our weekend got a kick start earlier in the week when P painstakingly picked out Valentine cards for his classmates and then picked out candy for the teens at the youth shelter that we've "adopted". Friday Rob had the day off work so he, E and I went to his favorite place for a lunch to celebrate an early (non) Valentine lunch thanks to the gift card my parents had sent us. That night the boys baked cookies for the teens and I put the Valentine packages together for each one. Yesterday we took the packages to the youth shelter. There are only 8 teens there right now so it was a small group for us to visit. One girl asked, "Are you the ones who brought us the stockings at Christmas?" When I confirmed that it was us, she asked if she could hug the boys. Then she told P that she still had the picture he had drawn hanging in her room because it was special to her. Every time we go to the shelter I am blessed. For us, baking cookies and putting together small Valentine packages isn't a big deal. But for the teens who receive them, it's huge! I don't know who is more of a blessing at the youth shelter....them or us.
After leaving the shelter, we met Rob at the pet store where the boys each got to choose a fish for their Valentine gift. P named his "Spot" immediately because of all the black spots on it. E first named his "Big Boy Bike" and then changed it to "Baby Blue Eyes" before finally deciding on "Jacob". I had a baby shower to go to in the afternoon and when I got home I discovered that E had tried to feed the fish peanuts. I don't think he understands the concept of pet fish. Thankfully the peanuts didn't kill the fish and they're still happily swimming in their new home this morning.
Although I want the boys to celebrate Valentine's Day, I don't want it to be an over the top celebration. They had already received candy from my parents and a Valentine card with money inside from a good family friend. So they woke up this morning to a pack of gum and a small box of candy. They were happy to get the treat and appreciated what they were given. Not only did they feel the love, but so did I! Happy Valentine's Day....or Happy Hallmark Holiday. I hope you, too, feel the love today!!

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