Tuesday, February 23, 2016

It's Happening....

Rob is my new blog supervisor. I didn't know I needed one but apparently I do. Someone to hold me accountable and tell me when it's been too long since my last blog. HA! So, today I was informed that I was behind on my blogging so here you go....
A lot of GOOD has been happening around here for the past week or so. This is the time of year that I do like the South- cold days mixed with just enough low humidity warm days to make it enjoyable weather. We took advantage of the beautiful weather this weekend by spending all day Saturday on the river (It's actually a lake but for some reason it's called False River). We fished for a few hours and even got minor sunburns. The Vitamin D was refreshing as was the warm air blowing in our faces (Although E may disagree because he didn't like when Daddy's boat went fast!). Saturday night Rob and I went on the first double date we've been on in years! It was so much fun to have dinner and watch a movie with another couple. We laughed, shared stories and thoroughly enjoyed each other's company. Oh, how I needed that! When we were getting ready for our date, one of our good family friends from back home called to see what we were doing the rest of the weekend. He was off work in Lake Charles because of weather and wanted a dose of "home". On our way home from our date, we picked him up and brought him to our house. Sunday, after church, he and Rob took the boat out but didn't catch anything. Scott's work was on hold longer than anticipated due to the weather so he's been staying with us since Saturday night. It's been nice having him here. He's been super helpful around the house and today, when we got severe weather, he helped "batten down the hatches" before the storm hit.
After almost 3 years here, I still haven't got used to the weather here! Last night it was predicted that today's storm was going to be the worst one LA has seen in a long time so all the local school districts closed schools for the day. Praise the Lord our immediate area was not terribly affected by the storms. But, just down the freeway, in a small town that I was in yesterday, a tornado touched down and cause quite a bit of damage. Other places, close to where we live, major tornadoes touched down, causing mass destruction and a few deaths. I can't wrap my head around the fact that we were on the boat this weekend and 2 days later there's mass destruction all around us due to storms. And now the next few days it'll be "cold" here and then it'll warm up again this weekend.
All in all, it's been a great last several days. It's nice to have someone from NV visiting, giving me a small taste of home. It's been nice spending QUALITY time as a couple and as a family. And it's super nice (like in miracle nice) that no one we know was hurt or had to deal with major destruction with today's storm!
It's happening and it's happening good around here.....g'night all!!

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