Where do I start? So many thoughts running through my head this evening. This day did not go at all how I imagined. Not because of Rob. Not because the boys didn't love all their gifts. Not because we didn't spend quality family time together. Not because we didn't enjoy a nice meal together. But because I got so caught up in my head that I didn't take time to enjoy the day. I knew it was just going to be the 4 of us for the first time in our married life and that didn't set well with me. One of the things I love most about the holiday season is all the social events- Christmas parties, dinners, entertaining. But it was just the 4 of us all day and it seemed too quiet to me. I also knew that I had opened 90% of my presents before Christmas so I didn't have much to open. Selfishly, that kind of makes Christmas morning less magical for me because I love surprises. It's never about the size or the price of the gift, but how much thought was put into it. My absolute favorite thing is opening my stocking because I get things that I "need" but don't buy for myself, things like nail polish and lotion. My dad always puts together the best stockings! So I started the day in a funk.
Then, after opening the presents, I was trying P's drone out that Santa brought him and I lost it. Like, it flew over someone's property and just disappeared. I spent several hours looking for it to no avail. While looking for it, I lost the ring he had bought me at the school Christmas store. I was beating myself up about losing the ring and drone on top of being in a funk.
We laid down for a nap and when I woke up I had a few minutes to myself. I realized that I had spent the day thinking about all that the day was lacking instead of counting my blessings. First and foremost, the reason for Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus. We work very hard at making sure the boys know that that is the real meaning of Christmas. But, sometime I don't put enough importance on it. Second, even though I've missed my parents terribly today, I have Rob and my boys. We are all healthy (for the most part) and spent the entire day together, playing and relaxing. Third, we are blessed beyond measure. Although we never go overboard with gifts, Rob and I are always blessed to be able to buy the boys (and each other) the gifts everyone wants. We have a beautiful house (Our first year celebrating Christmas in it!) and we had a nice meal. There are a lot of people that can't say that.
So, while Christmas wasn't how I pictured it to be, it was imperfectly perfect. It was a day packed with memories and blessings. And most importantly it's about our Savior, the One Who was born to show us grace even on our most imperfectly perfect days!
Merry Christmas y'all!
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