Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Spring Break

I am a "To-Do List" kinda person. I am also a mom who looks forward to school breaks and doesn't want them to end because I want to spend time with the boys (although yesterday I may have wanted the break to be over). Trying to juggle what NEEDS to be done, what I WANT to get done and making memories with the boys is sometimes a balancing act. This Spring Break is halfway over and I can say with all certainty that the big projects on my "To-Do" list will not get done. Closets will not be organized, P's loft and dresser won't be repainted, my email accounts won't get cleaned out. But here's what has (or will) happen over the break: The boys will spend afternoons swimming and riding their bikes. Time has (and will be) spent with friends and family. Cuddles while watching "Lone Star Law" and a leisurely cup of coffee will happen upon waking up in the mornings. A little fussing at the boys will happen since they have forgotten how to act in public (got to keep it real!). Homecooked meals will be made. New places will be visited. New games will be created. Memories will be made. Laughter (and a little anger/hurt feelings) will be thrown in the mix. We won't be on much of a schedule. There will be minimal stress. Man, I can't wait til Summer break when this can happen longer than 10 days!! Bring it on!!

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