In the past month a lot of things have happened in our little family. Both boys killed their first bucks and our freezer is overflowing with meat. (Yay!!) Both boys began football and are killing it out on the field. Both boys play defense and are so good. P is like the defensive coordinator for his team and E is just happy not to be on offense. (But slays it when he is!)
A couple weeks ago, I took a girls' trip to Nashville and had an absolute blast. Not once did I think, "I wish I was single again so I could live this life all the time." But I did have so much fun escaping reality for a couple days. Another exciting thing is that I won a one year membership to a local gym and joined a 6 week fitness challenge. I'm down 9 lbs and have so much more energy. The only thing that is hindering me is that I have an injured rib at the moment, causing workouts to be painful...or nonexistent. I slipped on a newly mopped floor and hit my ribs on the side of a table as I went down. I don't know if it's cracked or bruised but I'm going on two weeks in pain. Thankfully, as of Thursday, I am back to sleeping in our bed instead of the recliner.
P got the flu a few weeks ago. It wasn't all that bad, but we were told that's because he had gotten his flu shot a couple months ago. He had to do virtual school for a week, which caused him (and me) a lot of frustration and bad grades. Made me appreciate what my 5th graders went through earlier this year when they were all on the hybrid model- going to school 2-3 days a week and learning from home the other days. The only sad thing that's happened recently is that Liz the chameleon died. E took it harder than I thought he would, considering we only had her for a month. I think he enjoyed her so much because he was 100% in charge of her and didn't have to share her with anyone else. But I assured him we'd get another one soon.
Well, there you have it. I guess that's about all on our life updates. We've been really busy and have not enjoyed too many homecooked meals together lately. But, after last year, I am not complaining in the least. I like that life is pretty much back to normal for our family.
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