Monday, January 3, 2022

Happy New Year....2020 too (I hope not!)

 The holidays have come and gone and it's now a new year. Usually that gets me excited. A new year, new adventures, new opportunities. But this year I'm blah, which started the week of Christmas. Let me backtrack.... Rob and I were intentional in what activities we did in December. In years past I have crammed in so much that Christmas passes in a blur and somehow the Reason gets lost in the shuffle. This year we limited ourselves.

At the beginning of the month, the boys and I ran the Tiger 5k. It was E's first 5k and my first time placing Top 3 in my age division. That was the weekend we also went to our church's Christmas celebration. It is a beautiful event that I always look forward to, to kick off the Christmas season. But, that was the same weekend that our dog ran away so everything was overshadowed by that. Thankfully we got him back the next day and all was well in our world. But that should have been a tall tale sign for what the rest of December held.

Other than a dinner with some of my co-workers, my job nor Rob's held a Christmas party like in years past. (I always look forward to those.) I tried to surprise the boys with a Snow and Glow event that the local hospital puts together. But the snow was mostly melted and P felt he was too old for it. It wasn't as fun as I thought it'd be. The one thing the boys and I thoroughly enjoyed was the town Christmas parade. That's another favorite event I enjoy. Last year it was cancelled, making it even more special this year. Another annual tradition that we all enjoy is that our elf spends about a month with us, getting into all kinds of mischievous. The boys thoroughly enjoy it, especially E, since he still believes in the magic of Christmas.

We celebrated an early Christmas with Rob's family before my parents came to town...and then we all got Covid or Covid-like symptoms. It didn't make for a fun visit for my parents. Usually when we are going to see them or they are coming to see us, my mom and I start a countdown a week or two beforehand. We didn't do that this time. Usually when we visit each other we cram as much into our time together as possible. That didn't happen either. Due to unseasonably warm temperatures, we were able to enjoy a few hours of fishing the day after Christmas. We didn't catch much but it was nice to get out of the house. By the time E's bday rolled around, we had to cancel his party due to Covid and have a low-key family celebration at the house. We tried to make it fun- S'mores, donuts for breakfast, Chick Fil A for dinner and fireworks to top off the day. But, he told me more than once that he was bored and wished he could have his birthday party.

By the time my parents left to fly back home there were no tears from any of us, something that has never happened since we moved here. I think we were all kind of over feeling sick and quarantining. I felt like all we did while they were here was sleep, watch TV (lots and lots and lots of TV!!) and play board games. It definitely wasn't the most fun trip, but I am thankful that we got to see them a lot more in 2021 than in the "forgotten year" of 2020.

I saw a meme that said "2020 is pronounced 2020 too". I sure pray that's wrong. I am ready to put all this stupid Covid behind us. Unfortunately, I think it's like the flu and will be around from here on out. It'll be a crapshoot every year as to whether we get it... despite being vaccinated. So I'm not excited about this year like I was at the start of last year. I am looking forward to some upcoming trips, but other than that, there's nothing to grab my excitement this year. I know we had a nice Christmas. I know we are blessed more than so many more. But, sometimes our heart just isn't into it, and that's where I'm currently at. 

Hopefully this is just a case of the "post Christmas blues" and this too shall pass. 


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