Thursday, July 14, 2022

Goodbye LA

We moved to Louisiana a little over 9 years ago. We've lived in our current house longer than I've lived anywhere since I was 17 years old. But yet, this still doesn't feel like home. That being said, there are some great people here. I have made some wonderful, lifelong friends while living here. We've created priceless memories. And I wouldn't trade that for the world! Today is our last official day living in Louisiana. So, if someone came up to me and asked what I'll miss most about LA first and foremost I'd say my friends. But here are a few other things I will miss as well:

1. The way the energy comes alive any time "Callin' Baton Rouge" is played. Whether it's at a ball game or at a race or at a parade, the crowd takes it to a whole new level that you can't understand if you haven't lived here. 

2. Seafood boils at the Deslatte'. I've never understood the fascination with crawfish, but I sure love all the veggies Cory puts into it. Actually, scratch that. I love all the get togethers the entire Larch Ct invites us to. They are an awesome group of people and I love watching them bring together a BBQ, party, seafood boil, etc.

3. The Tiger 10k. I've done a lot of runs in my life but this one is a favorite. I love that the boys run it with me and it's a family event. I love that there are always so many people I know running it. I love running across the finish line at the 50 yard line of Tiger Stadium. I love it all!

4. Cate St. We didn't discover this delicious restaurant until a couple years ago. It quickly became our favorite because of the sushi. But, in reality, everything on the menu is great. P and I went there the other night for a mother/son date and he asked if he could sign a dollar bill to hang in the restaurant, something they are known for. So we left our mark on one of our favs.
5. The sense of community SELA has after a natural disaster. When the flood of 2016 hit I was overwhelmed with all the people who had lost everything but were still reaching out to offer help. Then Hurricane Laura hit and a year later Hurricane Ida hit and people continued to help their neighbor. The sense of community here is probably something I will never experience again and I'm so thankful that I've been able to witness it, to know there are still a lot of good people in this world. 

6. P's youth group and its leaders. That is one thing I wish we could take with us. The youth leaders pour themselves into making the youth group the best it can be and, more importantly, they pour into the kids. Both of the youth leaders called P last night after youth group to let him know they are only a phone call away if they're ever needed. One of them prayed over our family as we embark on this next chapter. We are blessed, knowing P is doing as well as he is with his Christian walk, because of prayers and, in part, awesome youth leaders.
7. Our neighborhood. I have loved that E's best friend is only a few houses down from us. I love my evening walks around the neighborhood with our dogs. I love the different houses in our 2 street subdivision. I love how quiet it is. And my favorite, is being able to walk over to my friend Melodie's house to chat. 

8. The sunrises and sunsets. My favorite part of the day is when I come out of our subdivision in the morning. The sun is coming up and the whole sky is bathed in orange and yellow. In the evenings, I try to go out for a walk around sunset so I can watch the sky once again light up as the day comes to an end.
9. You know I can't write my Top 10 Favorite Things without mentioning my gym. A year and a half ago I made a lifechanging decision to join Fit Body Boot Camp. Over the past year and a half they have become more than a gym. They've become a family. I will miss the coaches and my gym friends tremendously!
10. Last but certainly not least, I will miss my 5th grade team at LVE. I have worked with some awesome people over the years. And I have been part of some really great teams. But this one takes the cake. We meshed and gelled and never once had drama. The cohesiveness we had was phenomenal. I knew they had my back and I had theirs. A one of a kind group of ladies! (And sadly, we have hardly any pictures together.)

That concludes it. My Top 10 Things I'll Miss Most about LA. On that note, it's time to finish packing before the movers show up. Peace out, LA!

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