Thursday, July 17, 2014

Much Needed Time

Let me set the record straight (which, for the record, no one has brought to my attention) by saying that, contrary to how it may appear in my last two blogs, I am happy. Yes, I am incredibly homesick right now (although I'm very thankful that we're not dealing with the misery that all the wildfires are creating) and really desiring to teach in NV this Fall. But I'm also thankful for how FULL our lives have been lately. If you know me well, you know that the busier I am the happier I am. Last week I got to help with P's VBS for a couple nights and it was so exciting to see how the Lord is working in his young life! He thoroughly enjoyed his time at VBS and soaked up everything that was taught to him. This weekend we got to spend some much needed/desired time as a family. We enjoyed family bowling on Saturday afternoon, something we haven't done since moving here. Sunday we went to church, took naps and relaxed. Monday and Tuesday were busy with friends/neighbors. I babysat one of the neighbors all day Monday and then Tuesday we spent the morning and some of the afternoon with P's best friends. Since yesterday was filled with errands, housework and editing the boys were bored...until P went to VBS with his friends. This morning we woke up to BEAUTIFUL, perfect weather. The three of us went for a long walk around the neighborhood and then went across to the pond where we tried, unsuccessfully, to catch some dinner. From there I let P decide what we should do. When he chose the library and park I was happy because Easton woke up not feeling 100%. Being mellow with my two boys sounded like the perfect morning. And it was. No running around, no long "To Do" list to tackle. Just time with my boys. Although I am incredibly thankful for an ever growing social life with the boys, I am also thankful for the times when it's just me and them, just having a good time together. I need to make more days like this happen because all too soon they'll be grown, having lives of their own. I'm thankful for all the memories we create together, big and small, that will be looked back on with fondness for years to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To teach in the fall in Nevada this year sounds like a little bit of heaven on earth. We could go back and forth between there and Sacramento and develop some of the memories with Easton that we were blessed to make with Preston, especially now that we're retired. Mom