Saturday, November 12, 2016

Birth of a Dream, Death of a Dream

I should write my blogs when they first come to mind because when I procrastinate, I forget all my good thoughts (or points if I'm on my soapbox). I just got back from a night of great food and shopping with a good friend so my mind is mush due to a food coma. But I will trudge through this and will try to portray my thoughts adequately.

Ok, so the whole week hasn't been about the birthing and painful death of dreams but for lack of a better title it is what it is. Where to begin? The birth...or the death of our nation's leadership- however you want to view it. I guess I'll start with the hot national topic and digress from there. Trump or Clinton? Who should've won? In my opinion neither of them should. Neither one represents good morals or values and the leadership of either person could (and may) be detrimental to the nation. But we were given the right and privilege to vote and we did. So, for the next four years, we have the president who the people elected into office. Not all people mind you but enough to call it good....or good enough. For those who didn't vote for Trump, I understand what you're feeling. I felt that way 8 years ago when Obama was elected into office. I was not happy (and am still not happy that he was the POTUS for 8 years) but I didn't protest. I didn't "unfriend" friends and family on social media because they did vote for him. Because here is the reality- we should not put all our hope and happiness in one human being. Trump will not make or break my life. I CHOOSE to be happy no matter who the president is. Yes, the president has a lot of national power and will do things that I don't agree with but I'm a big girl. I can handle it. The way I look at it is like this- if you can put up with Common Core and Obamacare, the rest is a piece of cake.

Let's take a break from politics for a minute to talk about ME. Yep, little ole me. I am having a tough time being a workin' mama. Don't get me wrong...I LOVE teaching and I love having a steady job outside of the house but I do miss being on my own schedule. I miss having my own agenda and having time to get it all done. I still haven't figured out this whole work/home life. My house is never clean to my satisfaction. I spend way too much time on the weekends doing laundry and trying to get prepared for the next week (lesson plans, grocery shopping, etc). And the worst part? I miss out on things at the boys' schools. Thankfully, Rob has been able to attend the things I've missed. He is good about taking pictures and videos so I don't feel I've completely missed out. Yesterday P had a Veteran's Day performance at school and I wanted to be on the front row, watching with pride. But I couldn't and it made me sad. I know he did well on his speaking part and sang his little heart out but watching the video of it wasn't the same. I promise that I will not blog about me missing out too much more because, between that and the flood, you probably think I don't have anything else to blog about. But I do.

This week was our personal "death of a dream" so to speak. I won't get into all the long, drawn out details, but we found out that, after nearly a month in escrow, the seller of "our" house canceled the sale. To say we are sad is an understatement. We love that house and I had already stocked our garage with "new" furniture for it. But the thing that gives me hope is that God is in control. I have a feeling that "our" house will still be ours. But if that feeling is wrong I know the Lord will provide a house in His time that we'll love even more.

The birth of what could be a young boy's dream happened this week. P started his second year of football. Rob is the coach and both of them love it! The first game didn't go so well but all the boys tried their best. We are hoping for more wins than losses (who isn't?) but I know one thing...those boys will put their heart into every game if the first game is any indication!

Well, there you have it. That should catch me up for a month or so (Ha, Rob!). I will try to blog before that but, with Thanksgiving, football season, photography, choir practice and family life my schedule gets pretty full. But I will try. Until then...dream big!!

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