Saturday, March 11, 2017

Mad Soccer Skills!

You ever despise something only to look back on it nostalgically later in life? That's me with soccer. My brother played on several soccer teams during his youth. I got tired of going to all the practices and games. Now I look back on those years fondly. So I was thrilled when E said he wanted to play soccer once he turned 4. Earlier this week was his first game on the Tigers team. For the first thirty minutes of the game he stood around, watching everyone play around him. When I asked him why he wasn't kicking the ball he replied, "Everyone is fighting over it and I'm just waiting my turn." Oh my sweet boy! All it took, however, was his best friend getting in the game and showing him how to take charge. Those two quickly became the "Dynamic Duo". If they're in the game together they're practically unstoppable. The two of them score ALL of the goals and they love to show off their mad soccer skills. I'm bummed that the season only lasts a month but I hope this is the start of a long soccer career because he loves it so much....and I love watching him!

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