Monday, October 27, 2008


There are some days it just becomes so obvious with how much we are blessed. Today was one of those days! I was driving home from work and just took a moment to look at the beautiful fall colors. Driving down the freeway, you can see the tops of the trees as far as the eye can see up against the mountainous backdrop. Seeing all of the bright oranges, reds and yellows just made me realize what a creative artist God is.
When Rob and I decided to get married, I worried about making new friends in Reno. Then when we bought a house in the "boonies" I really worried about it. But, we have been blessed with quite the social life, which keeps us busy. We are busy with friends and neighbors every weekend and usually are doing social things during the week as well. My worry was unfounded and I keep more busy than I imagined.
Life is good and full of many blessings- big and small!

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