Tuesday, January 25, 2011

In the Name of Friendship

I've learned a lot about friendship over the years, what kind of friend I am and what kind of friend I expect. Rob teases me that I consider too many people friends but it's not a term I use loosely. Once I meet someone I consider a friend, I will do anything for them and maintain the frienship at all costs. But I've learned over the years that not everyone takes friendship as seriously as I do. Without going into details, I have been disappointed by not one but two people that I considered close friends. We've shared very intimate information with each other and now it's all gone because one person got their feelings hurt. The person couldn't discuss it face to face and ultimately terminated our friendship because of stubborness and control issues. That being said, as sad as it makes me, it makes me cherish my true friendships that much more. My friends that I can be honest with, can go months without talking to but still pick up where we left off, ones that see my faults but love me despite them. Those are my true friends and for them I am truly thankful!

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