Thursday, January 20, 2011

Slow Down!

Normally at this hour, even on my work days, I'm snuggled in bed, trying to get the last few minutes of sleep. But last night I had a horrible nightmare, the worst I've had in awhile, so I decided to get up when Rob did, in fear of the dream picking up where I left it if I went back to sleep. Since I've been wanting to blog a lot this week, I figured I do it now.
There are so many things to blog about to get you caught up on our lives. We had a another fabulous weekend last weekend only to have an emotionally draining week. Today was supposed to be Rob's court case and we were all so excited to have it put behind us. But, because of some glitches, it's now been postponed again. GGRRRR!!! Instead this afternoon will be filled with dr appts for me. I get to see if I'm having a recurring problem that I had back in '03 and I get to find out if my foot is better enough for me to start training for a team relay I'll be (hopefully) doing in June around Lake Tahoe.
There's so much more detail to add to all this but that's the long and the short of it. So now to my real blog......
Yesterday P and I had quite a few errands to run. When we went to leave the car wouldn't start. This due to the fact that I let him play in it for about an hour the day before and didn't check to make sure everything was turned off. So, while I waited for AAA to come give me a jump, we went exploring. I was taken back by my baby running and exploring out of my sight without a care in the world. He went past our neighbor's corral and was picking up sticks even though he couldn't see me. It made me realize he's growing up. Then, after the car was up and running, we went to get his haircut. He's had 2 professional cuts and me chopping some of his hair in the past 6 months. None of those times made him lose his baby look. But today, after his haircut, the stylist spun him around for me to give my approval and I momentarily lost my breath. Instead of looking at my baby, I saw a little boy. He gave me his million dollar smile as if to say, "Mama, I'll always be your baby." But it was no longer a baby smile but one of a growing boy. To top it all off, he was given a pillow tonight (his pediatrician ok'd it). When I put him in his crib he looked at his pillow, laid back with his hands clasped behind his head and gave me that heart stopping smile again, as if he, too, realized he's a big boy now. When I went to check on him before I went to bed I teared up because he was sound asleep, his arm around his cow and his blanket tangled in between his legs. Our precious miracle baby is now a thriving little boy. I've absolutely loved every stage of his little life but I would like them to slow down so I can enjoy the time even more. Soon we'll be looking at a teenager and then an adult with his own family. But in between all that we'll enjoy every minute we have with him and be thankful for God's blessings in his life!

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