Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Fillin' Up!

P and I have been fillin' up on a lot of sunshine the past few days. In the mornings we run errands and get stuff done. But the afternoons are spent outside playing. I swear that if we would let him, P would probably sleep outside because he enjoys the great outdoors so much!
He's been really into birds lately so I thought it'd be fun for him to paint a birdhouse that we could keep on the back balcony. I got a nice wooden box and stained it, excited for him to paint it the next day. Yeah, he liked it.....for about 3 strokes of paint. Then he was off and running, pushing his wagon and collecting sticks. So much for the pretty birdhouse but I still put it on the balcony. Much to his enjoyment, birds were using it this morning.
Today, we've had a busy day. I went to Bible Study and he went to a Sunday School type class. When I went to pick him up he was playing outside, all smiles. After his nap we went down the hill to have a play date with friends. Gas is very expensive these days but on days like this it doesn't faze me because P is in his glory! P and his 2 friends played at the park then we crossed the street to the lake. There the kids tossed bread to the geese, seagulls and ducks. Well, I say the kids did but P would grab the bread that the other kids were throwing and try to stuff it in his mouth before the birds got it. When I was faster than him in grabbing the bread, he pretended he was going to throw the bread I gave him then stuffed it in his mouth at the last second. He had the other parents in stitches!
I usually enjoy going to work at the end of the week, but tomorrow I may have a hard time with it. P and I have been having sooo much fun that I don't want to give up that time with him. Hopefully the weather will continue to stay nice and we can fill up on more sun time next week!

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