Monday, May 23, 2011

Whirlwind Weekend

I am one that loves staying busy and being social. That being said, the past couple weekends have been so busy that I look forward to the week, just to have a break. I have a feeling that it's what's in store for us this Summer. On Friday night Rob and I went out with 2 other couples. We went to a Tex-Mex place in VC, which was really good! From there we went to The Washoe Club, where I partook in a tour of the haunted museum. If you know Rob, you know he is a tough cowboy type guy. But one thing that can scare him is ghosts and paranormal activity. Although he didn't want anything to do with the tour, I was impressed that he went in Washoe Club at all, seeing as it is one of the most haunted places in America!
Saturday morning we mistakenly thought we'd be able to sleep in. You'd think that after 2 years we would've figured out that sleeping in is not in the cards for us. So we got up, had a big breakfast then headed down the hill. I had given Rob some golf pants and shoes as an early anniversary gift. So we decided to give Eh-Mee (That's what P calls his babysitter) a call and see if she'd hang out with P again so we could golf. We went to a new golf course and, although it was challenging, it was fun. We rushed home to attend a neighbor's graduation party but I just didn't have it in me to add another activity to the day. So I dropped off her present, said a quick hi then took P to see the neighborhood Mama Llamas (Another blog for another time). We watched the race and relaxed as a family, something we haven't done in awhile. Yesterday the Fussy Fairy swapped my boy for a cranky one. He was an absolute nightmare at church and I was only able to stay for about 30 minutes of the service. I tried to wear him out at the park but his coughing took over and he didn't get a long nap. We spent most of the day outside so I wouldn't have to deal with a Cranky Pants. Rob and I passed each other at the door, him getting home from Dayton and me heading out for a baby shower. I went to the shower, with the idea of having a Girls' Night. But, once the shower was over I flaked on going to the chick flick we had planned to see. I wanted to go home and spend time with Rob as I hadn't seen him all day. We went to bed exhausted, knowing that this week won't be slowing down much. Tis the Summer Season!

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