Thursday, April 7, 2022

First Date

Sometimes I look at our oldest and he looks like our little boy. Other times I look at him and he looks very much like the teenager he's becoming. That was the case a few days ago when he had his first date. He's had a girlfriend since Christmas but they both have busy schedules and don't get to see each other outside of school (other than youth group). Sunday, however, they were both free so his girlfriend's mom and I helped them make plans to go fishing and then to fro-yo. We picked Miss A and her mom up and took them to our favorite local fishing hole. Miss A's mom, Summer, and I sat a ways away and talked so they could have their privacy. Sadly they didn't catch anything due to the high pressure. But they had fun. We ended the afternoon at fro-yo where I got to know Miss A better. According to P, the date had the expected first date awkwardness but it was cute watching them from afar. 

Then last night Miss A and her mom came to watch P's first baseball game with his jr high team. He started the night by getting hit in the head with a baseball during warm ups. But he pulled it together and was able to throw a nice final out of the game. Afterwards Rob and I got to witness the "teenage" awkwardness as we said our goodbyes to Miss A and Summer.

Hopefully as they hang out more, the awkwardness will fade. I really like her and her family and am glad that P can call Miss A his first girlfriend. They have both set the bar high for future relationships!

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