Monday, April 25, 2016

Not Gonna Make It....

I'm not. I'm not going to make it until Dec 2016 when the "magic fairy" comes and miraculously turns my ornery 3 year old into a sweet boy again. Some days are good but most are not. Today was one of the worst recently. I know a lot of it had to do with the fact that he was overly tired (He seems to have insomnia like his mama). But, when he laid down in the checkout aisle of the grocery store and threw a wing dinger of a tantrum because I wouldn't let him push the cart into the lady in front of us that's when I lost my patience. Thankfully, in the South, when a child misbehaves, the general public expects you to discipline your child instead of threatening a lawsuit because, heaven forbid, your child's behavior was corrected. After being dealt with in line, he then stood at the entrance of the store, refusing to leave with me. That was the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak. He was crying, I was on the verge of tears. All because of a very strong willed 3 year old who has yet to get it through his thick skull that he is not the boss. Recently, I have decided that, as much as I love being a stay at home mom, I'm a better wife and mother if I work part time. So my goal is to get back in the classroom in the Fall where I can deal with other people's kids and someone else can deal with my sweet cherub. Because, Lord knows, I am not going to make it to the Sweet 4s otherwise!

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