Thursday, June 16, 2016

Preschool Fisherman

I hope I never forget two things about these years with E.....his obsession with his ears, gum, his cowboy boots... and his even bigger obsession with fishing. Ever since he could walk, he's enjoyed fishing. He won't sit to watch a half hour cartoon but you better believe that if Rob is watching a fishing show, E will crawl up on his lap and watch the show in it's entirety, asking Rob questions about it. He asks to fish almost every day and can cast a line better than me. Earlier this week Rob took the boys to the pond, where they caught baby catfish. E could've sat there for hours, watching the small fish swim around in the even smaller aquarium. The day before last, Rob was helping E and accidentally broke his fishing rod. E has become obsessed with getting a new rod and asks about getting one several times a day! Yesterday he had some consolation. He found a small tackle box full of baits and that's all he's played with ever since his discovery. He talks to the lures, plays with the bobbers and organizes the tackle box. I guess if he can't fish at the moment then it's the next best thing. I often wonder what our boys will be when they grow up and I wouldn't be surprised if E chose to be a professional angler. It's an obsession I hope he enjoys for a lifetime!

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