Thursday, February 15, 2018

New Year, New Me

I've never been one for new year's resolutions. Or diets. Or long term workout regiments. But this year I'm throwing caution to the wind and trying it all! Well, sort of. I'm still not a fan of diets. But what I am a fan of is a lifestyle change. After not being happy with my body for the past 5-6 years, I asked Rob to get me a gym membership as my Christmas gift (gasp! And no, it's not grounds for divorce if I'm the one who asked for it. HA!!). Shortly after the new year I posted my 2018 goals on my bathroom mirror. One of which was to lose a certain amount of weight. I knew that wouldn't happen by continuing old eating habits and my non-workout routine. So I made some changes. Now I am conscious about my sugar gram intake (try to keep it in the single digits). I eat a gripload of veggies every day and limit my soda intake to 1 per week. Starbucks? (mostly) a thing of the past. I eat more salad than the main course but I'll splurge on the occasional dessert if the mood strikes me. On top of eating better, I have started going to the gym 4-5 days a week. 3 days a week I meet with a friend for various workout classes. 2 days a week I do my own thing. I have been shocked to find that I absolutely LOVE Spin class. Maybe it's because I can see how many calories I burn in a 45 minute class (500-600 calories, y'all!). Or maybe because I am drenched in sweat when I walk out of the class so I know I worked my butt off (literally). On days I don't feel motivated to go, Rob is my biggest cheerleader. He gently reminds me that if I skip one day it'll be easier to skip the next one. And you know? I don't really want to change my new routine. I like the way I feel. I have WAY more energy and don't feel the need for a daily mid-afternoon nap. I feel like I can think clearer and don't forget things as easily. I like how my clothes have started fitting better. I like everything about my outward appearance so much more than I have in the past 6 years! My self confidence is coming back in spades. So this year I am gladly embracing the new me, the one who enjoys a healthy lifestyle. The one who is happy and looking forward to the rest of a great 2018!

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