Friday, December 12, 2014

Tis the Season for Mommy Guilt!

Mommy guilt is real. If a mom says it isn't she's either lying or is the most chill/relaxed/mellow mom on the face of the Earth. I think my Mommy guilt is worse as a SAHM because when I worked a job outside of the home I realized there was only so much I could do in a day once I got home from my teaching job. These days I think I'm Super Woman but my list grows instead of shrinks! The holidays intensify this problem. I feel guilty no matter what I'm doing. I feel guilty if I'm cleaning instead of playing with my youngest son. I feel guilty if I'm playing with my son and the house is a disaster. I decided to make a lot of Christmas gifts this year so I feel guilty when I'm in the kitchen and I'm neither cleaning nor playing with my son. I feel guilty if I'm not editing pictures because I know someone's paid money to get their pictures done....before the new year. I feel guilty if I'm not taking time to work out because fudge keeps finding its way to my mouth. I feel guilty that I'm not volunteering more at my oldest son's school...despite going on a field trip with him Tuesday, taking home 21 Santa hats to glitter glue student's names on each one and offering my photography services to take pics of kids sitting on Santa's lap yesterday. I feel guilty that, by the time my boys are in bed at night, I have nothing left to give my husband. All I want to do is soak in a hot bath and go to bed. I even feel guilty for not having time to watch the 15 billion Hallmark movies that I've DVR'd.
But when I feel overwhelmed with the most guilt is when I take a moment to just be. To reflect on the REAL REASON for the season. It's been such a busy month already with the Christmas choir musical, events at my son's school, photography sessions and everything in between. But none of that matters when my focus isn't on God. So many people are not blessed to have this kind of stress because of so many reasons. That's why I need to keep my mind, heart and soul focused on the JOY of Christmas and not the stress of it.
That being said.....I now need to wrap Christmas presents, edit pictures and pay bills. What was I saying about stress again?????? :)


Mom said...

It is stress but a "good stress". Last year it passed me by entirely. This year I'm trying to enjoy each moment and counting the days until you're here. Mom

Kimberly June said...

We all go through those moments of guilt. Just like the Bible tells us we have to take those thoughts captive and give the worries to God. My motto this season is "We can't do it all!" I do my best to keep a balance but there are days when the to-do list has me in a mini freak out! You're not alone....but it's kind of great too. :)