Friday, March 1, 2019

Our Boys

I know that every parent is proud of their children in some, way, shape or form. But, Rob and I are proud of our boys in just about every way! To be honest, both of our boys amaze me! E is such a quick witted guy and his sense of humor is lightyears above other kids his age. He can get people laughing with just one sentence, just like his daddy and uncles. He also can play every sport he wants with ease. He is a natural athlete and plays 3 sports a year! P amazes me with how smart he is. He recently started guitar lessons and picks up the new chords within a day after learning them for the first time. He has such a musical ear and has a beautiful voice. I love listening to him sing! He also loves to perform and isn't afraid to try new things. His school is having a lip sync competition for the upper grade students. He asked his friend to try out with him. They chose their song, choreographed it and tried out. Yesterday they found out that they made the cut and will perform at the final competition. He is so excited!
Both boys love to read and are good at it. Both boys are good friends to their school and neighborhood friends, helping them. Both boys are compassionate and giving, thinking about others before themselves a lot of times. They are just such joys in our lives! I can't even begin to imagine our lives without them and out of all the gifts I've ever received, I am so thankful that God gifted us with our boys because they are the best gifts EVER!

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