Saturday, May 18, 2019

End of a Chapter

I don't mind change. I don't. I see it as a good thing. BUT, I like it better when I'm the one who initiates it, not when I'm told it's coming.
Four years ago the boys' children pastor kept asking me to teach for him. I didn't know him well at the time but I had the utmost respect for him. It took about 9 months of him asking me to teach for him before I finally gave in. I had never taught at a private school. I had never taught high school (nor had the desire to). And I had never taught History. But Mr. Wynn, the principal, made it happen. He believed in me when I didn't believe in myself and he stood by me when I made mistakes. It was a life changing experience! He showed me, by example, the kind of administrator I want to be someday. I showed myself that I could do something I didn't have the utmost confidence in doing.
For three years, I watched children mature into young adults. I watched children and young adults become Christians.  I watched as students grasped the concept I was teaching. I watched as students became excited about what I was teaching. I watched as our school flooded and was rebuilt with the help of our community. I watched as students graduated and spread their wings into the great big world. I watched as co-workers became good friends. I have laughed so hard with students that my cheeks hurt. I have cried with students. I have counseled students. I have influenced students' decisions about their future. I have lost countless nights of sleep because of students. For three years, I have not only been a teacher but I have been a confidant, a spiritual guidance, a friend, an employee, and sometimes a pain in the neck.
And for longer than three years I have been the school's photographer. I have LOVED taking pictures of the student athletes, the high school formals, the school yearbook portraits, and the extracurricular events. I have loved every minute of it, as much or more than my teaching position.
But, on Friday I will hand in my keys and walk out of the building for the last time as a SCA teacher and as their photographer. I will no longer be a high school teacher at a private school because the LA Dept of Ed informed me that I am in danger of losing my credential if I stay at a private high school. As of Friday, I will be unemployed. But I know God's in control and His plans are bigger than mine. This year, with all of its challenges, has opened my eyes to the fact that I am ready to get back to my first love...elementary school.
So, as I close this chapter in life, I am excited for what's ahead. I know that a door doesn't close without another one opening. And I am looking forward to where that open door leads me, to the next chapter in this thing called life.

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