Monday, October 28, 2013

Super Busy and Super Fun

I looked at the calendar for this week and sighed a big sigh of relief. For the first time in a long time we actually have a mellow, easy week. We need it after this past weekend! Our fun started Friday when we celebrated Rob's birthday. Since P is really into birthday (I pray that DOESN'T change) he got Rob a gift and card, drew him a picture, and baked him cookies. Saturday morning we woke up to beautiful weather so when Rob got called out to work P and I decided we would go to the LSU Homecoming Parade. It was fun to experience a big university homecoming because I've never experienced that before. P got tons of candy and more than enough beads (I'm thinking that's a LA thing??). Although we had fun, I think I enjoy small town parades a lot more. It was a little overwhelming but fun nonetheless. After we left there we came home to rest for a few minutes and then headed to the Bass Pro Halloween event. Rob opted to stay home and rest since he thought he'd get called out again so I took the boys for some simple fun. P made a Halloween craft and Easton got a Halloween picture taken. We were all tired so we headed home afterwards and relaxed while Rob worked. Sunday we all headed to church together. Then, after lunch, we headed next door for our first neighborhood birthday party. P had so much fun and has talked about the party a lot today! We had to leave the party early because our church Family Fest (think Trunk of Treat) was starting. I had finished the boys' pirate ship earlier in the day and it, as did they, got rave reviews! P had more fun on bounce houses, standing on a helicopter skiff and going on a pony ride. By the time we got home we were all exhausted. I think Rob and I went to bed shortly after the boys. It was fun but now you can see why the boys and I laid low today. We're rested up, though, and ready for the pumpkin patch tomorrow!


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