Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Spring Time in the South

It's not a secret that I HATE (Yes, I know that's a strong word but it's true) the Summer weather here in the South. The unbearable humidity making every breath you take difficult. The sweat that forms on your body the second you open the door to go outside. The stickiness that is associated with it all. YUCK!
So, with that being said, I'd like to go on record (before I begin complaining about the heat within the next month) that Spring here in the South isn't too bad. In fact it's beautiful. In fact it's pretty close to perfect! When the weather's nice we're pretty outside from after Easton's morning nap until bedtime (with the exception of afternoon naps and dinner). He knows how to say "outside" so he stands at the back door and yells it until we go outside. I love that there are kids all over the neighborhood so P plays with the younger ones in the morning and the little girl that is his age in the evening. In between we go fishing or for walks or to the park. We are outside constantly, soaking up the perfect weather.
In the future, when I look back at Spring here the memories will include lots of fishing, taking walks, going on bike rides, picnic lunches, making mud pies, BBQing, jumping on the trampoline, parks, neighbors congregating on lawns to chat while the kids play. If I could make the weather like this constantly I'd be a happy camper.

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