Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Little Moments

I'm wearing many hats at the moment so to speak: wife, mom, teacher, photographer/small business owner, choir member, marathon trainer. Needless to say, my plate is a little full at the moment. So, when E came up to me and said, "Up peaze Mom." my first thought, sadly enough, was  "I don't have the time to hold you.". But I pushed the thought away and picked him up, sitting down in the recliner to rock him. As he put his little head against my chest, I thought, "I wish I would've grabbed my phone before sitting down so I could return some work emails." Then I stopped. Really stopped. I basked in the moment. Without modern technology in hand or a glaring "To Do" list I held my baby and rocked him. I lived in the moment. I prayed for my baby and his future. I reminisced on how hard it was to conceive him and how thankful I was when he was born. I thanked the Lord for how much he makes me laugh and for the joy he brings to all of us. I even thanked the Lord for the challenges he brings to my life on a daily basis. I rubbed his back, held my hand against his cheek and just enjoyed the cuddles.
I know all the clichés about housework waiting and kids growing up too fast and cherishing the moments. But knowing it in my head and actually following through is completely different. I NEED to enjoy the little moments with my boys more. I need that FOR me and they need that FROM me. I need their comfort as much as they need their security from me. So I won't apologize if I don't answer my phone or can't respond to your email right away. I'm taking time to cherish the little moments with my boys....before they're grown and it's too late.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have no idea what, "Up peaze Gee" would mean to me for cuddle time. Enjoy the moment to the fullest. Mom