Saturday, August 23, 2014

Best Date

A few days ago Rob suggested that P and I go on a Mother/Son date. At first I declined because we rarely spend time as a family on the weekends. But then I changed my mind and I'm so glad I did!! P got dressed up. (His idea of dressing up is a button up shirt, sunglasses and a hat~ preferably his cowboy hat, which he couldn't find last night.) I suggested we go to ice cream for dinner but he asked if we could have a sushi date. Sushi has been a special thing between us since he was about 3 years old. He was so excited to go sit in the restaurant because, despite all the sushi we've eaten, we've never gone into a sushi restaurant to eat it. When the waitress suggested he might like to try Japanese soda pop he was thrilled! It was an experience that he talked about the rest of our date. It was definitely his favorite part. After we devoured our delicious meal we topped it off with some fro-yo.
I could care less what we ate last night. Although it was all good, I would've been perfectly happy just spending time with my oldest son. We had a lot of fun together and it made me realize that we need to do this more often.

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