Tuesday, June 18, 2019


"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me." I used to say that a lot as a kid, but, as an adult I don't think a more false statement could be made. Words hurt. Recently, someone I used to respect made some mean, negative comments about me to a good friend of mine. The words hurt probably more than they should have. I lost sleep over them. I cried because of them. My stress induced eczema flared up as a result of them. But, then in the past week words of encouragement have been spoken to me, words that have helped my wounds hurt.
Last week we had teenage girls staying with us. One of them told me, "When I get married I want a marriage like yours. You and Rob have so much fun together." Later she told me she also wanted to be a mom like me because she loves that I spend so much time with the boys and that I make homemade dinners most nights. Then this week, I was once again told that I am a good mom, that the person admired all the fun stuff I do with the boys.
It is important to Rob and I that our boys are not "screen kids". We don't want them spending their Summer vegging in front of the TV or playing video games. So I spend our days doing fun stuff. Fun stuff costs money (and I am currently unemployed) so I pride myself in finding cheap/free things to do. For example, yesterday we met our cousins at the mall because they had vendors set up with free events. At 2 of the events, the kids could win a certificate for a Cane's kids meal and a Chick Fil A card for an ice cream or cookie. So, after playing games and riding the free carousel ride twice we enjoyed a free lunch. I only had to pay for my lunch. Today I paid a small fee for the boys to do an open gym hour and then we doubles a coupon and gift card to get free ice cream.
In the evenings, when Rob gets home from work, our yard/house is full of neighborhood boys. Rob either plays baseball with them in the front yard or plays with them in the pool. Our boys fall into bed, exhausted, every night. We want them to be active because, during the school year, they have to sit inside for 7+ hours a day, 5 days a week. We pride ourselves in being hands-on parents, that make memories with our boys on a daily basis.
I'm going to be honest....I'm still working on putting those hurtful words behind me. But, being complimented for a good marriage and being a fun mom has sure gone in a long way in helping that process. Words can hurt but they can also make someone's day. So, my little tidbit of advice for you (which I need to follow as well)...think before you speak. If your words don't build someone up, they're probably not worth saying.

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