Sunday, December 22, 2013

Personal Ammendment

Yesterday I blogged about the Phil Robertson saga. I read it a few times and had Rob read it before I published it because I wanted to share my opinion without offending. Almost everyone agreed and/or gave positive feedback on it. "Almost" being the operative word. So let me clarify. I did not say I agreed with all of what Phil Robertson said. Just like when I watch "Duck Dynasty" there are times I think he comes across rather brash. But that's who he is and I don't have to agree with him. One of the main points of my blog was that freedom of speech, our constitutional right, is being taken away by liberals. They have decided, through bullying, what's ok to say and what's not and I'm not ok with that. I said the same thing a few months ago with the Paula Deen saga. I do not agree in any way, shape or form with what she said. The "N Word" is my 2nd least favorite word in the English language (with "fag" being my 3rd least favorite). But I don't believe she should've been punished so harshly for what she admitted to saying over 20 years ago. To me freedom of speech is just that- freedom. The world is a large place and there are going to be people that, on a daily basis, ruffle feathers intentionally or otherwise. That's life. Most people learn from their mistakes while some, unfortunately, do not. But people have the freedom to say what they want. That's the beauty of living in the United States.

~and back off my soapbox for what I hope is awhile.......

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